𝑤𝑜𝑜𝑛ℎ𝑎𝑘 | 𝑐𝑎𝑢𝑔ℎ𝑡...

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‧˚₊• ┈┈┈┈ ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱ ┈┈┈┈ •‧₊˚⊹

‧˚₊•  ┈┈┈┈   ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱   ┈┈┈┈  •‧₊˚⊹

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| Scenario: caught at the other's house |

‧˚₊•  ┈┈┈┈   ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱   ┈┈┈┈  •‧₊˚⊹

As the clock struck midnight, a gentle tapping sound echoed throughout Y/N's room, drawing her attention to the window.

Y/N smiled & got out of bed, making her way to the window & sliding the curtains open.  There stood Woonhak, his face illuminated by the moonlight as he smiled at her. She unlocked the window, letting him in. Woonhak jumped into her room as quietly & carefully as he could.

"Hey," he said softly, sliding his arms around her before picking her up twirling her around. He threw themselves on her bed, still embracing her.

Y/N giggled a little too loudly,

"Shhh!" Woonhak grinned, putting a finger over her mouth as he whipped his head towards the door of her room, listening for any signs that they woke someone up.

"Don't worry, everyone's fast asleep, I went out to get some water not too long ago." Y/N reassured him, taking the hand over her mouth & wrapping it around herself once more.

"Are you ready to play?" She asked him,

Woonhak nodded eagerly. He took off his slippers & hoodie, as they settled side by side in Y/N's bed.

Both of them started up their nintendo switches, getting ready to play. For hours they played, winning, losing, winning. Their laughter filled the room as they threatened each other's characters playfully; the low sounds of their consoles blending in with their voices.

After a couple hours, Y/N's enthusiasm died down. Woonhak noticed this & shut his game off, turning to her.

"Are you tired? Wanna call it a night?" he spoke softly.

"Mmm I am a bit tired but, I don't want you to go.." Y/N looked at him with a slight frown.

Shutting off her console, Y/N scooted closer to Woonhak, pulling him into their usual cuddling position. Woonhak on her chest as Y/N held him, playing with his hair.

"I wish we could be like this during the day too," Woonhak huffed, "why does your mom have to be so strict.."

"I know, I want to show you off already." Y/N said running her fingers through his hair.

"Show me off?" Woonhak smiled & looked up at her,

"Obviously." Y/N replied looking down at him.

Y/N planted a quick kiss on his lips, not giving him time to reciprocate.

"What the- that's all?!" Woonhak whisper yelled, furrowing his eyebrows at Y/N causing her to quietly giggle.

Woonhak moved up to kiss her properly but Y/N stopped him putting her hand over his mouth,

"What if we get caught dummy, we won't even be able to hangout as 'friends' anymore." Y/N grinned, amused by his reactions.

Woonhak rolled his eyes playfully as he got up, slipping his shoes on & then starting to put his hoodie on.


Woonhak & Y/N's heads whipped to the door, to see Y/N's mother standing there, her expression a mixture of surprise & skepticism.

"Ah Mrs. L/N," Woonhak quickly bowed greeting her respectfully, though he felt like his heart wanted to leap out of his chest. Had they been caught?

Y/N felt similarly, panic taking over her as she wondered how much her mother had heard or seen.

"We were just playing games, nothing else happened." Y/N played it off acting calm as she held up her switch.

"I hear noise & walk in to find Woonhak putting on his clothes...& you want me to believe you were just playing games?" Y/N's mom placed her hands on her hips in slight disbelief.

Y/N bit her lip nervously her mind scrambling trying to find words that her mom would believe, but before she spoke again, Woonhak jumped in,

"Yes ma'am," he held up his own switch.

"We were just having a regular gaming competition. We were getting competitive & I felt a bit warm so I took my hoodie off for a bit. Nothing else happened, I swear." his voice firm with determination.

Her mother studied him for a moment, her gaze going back & forth between the two. After a moment her expression softened,

"I see, as long as you're not up to any mischief. It's still very late. Y/N, see Woonhak out. You guys can hang out tomorrow at normal times." Y/N's mother stated, before she smiled at Woonhak then walked away.

"I'm so glad she didn't walk in any earlier," Y/N let out a sigh of relief.

"Me too.." Woonhak replied feeling the same way.

The two went up to the front door of Y/N's home, walking outside. Y/N closed the door behind her as she pulled Woonhak in for a hug. Y/N looked up at him & pulled him in for a gentle kiss, this one lasting way longer than the last one. Woonhak smiled sweetly as they pulled away.

"Now you should really go before we actually do get caught." Y/N grinned, reminding him of the scene that unfolded earlier.

"I'll see you tomorrow, & don't forget to lock your window okay." Woonhak told Y/N as he walked away towards his street.

"Text me when you get home!" Y/N whisper shouted.

Woonhak turned his head with a smile as he nodded.

She watched him walk away until he disappeared from her sight, then she made her way inside to go to bed.

‧˚₊•  ┈┈┈┈   ꒰ঌ ʕ⸝⸝• ᴥ •⸝⸝ʔ ໒꒱   ┈┈┈┈  •‧₊˚⊹

I rewrote the chapter I wrote for Woonhak a few days ago, I like this version so much betterrr!

Thanks for reading!
Hope you enjoyed<3
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