Beer Pong

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This update has literally taken months and I feel like I've let you all down. I've recently started watching Glee from season 1 and found my motivation brought back to me. So here we go.


Dinner at Ken's that night was nothing out of the ordinary. Other than the fact that Santana was literally hanging onto Keola's (Keh-oh-la) every last word about training and what he's been doing the past couple months, it was just like any other night. Brittany finally got to see what Santana was like around her dad and it she found it so adorable. She was definitely a daddy's girl.

"So did you get to shoot the 50 cal again dad?" He was trying to finish chewing the food that he had in his mouth when she pulled out her phone. "Cause it was so cool! It was huge babe you gotta see this."

She played the video and handed the phone over to Brittany. Santana's dad was sitting on top of a humvee shooting down targets.

"Holy sh-" Brittany caught herself. "Sorry. That's just, that's cool."

"It's nothing really. Just a stupid little detail that my company put me on. This is the real deal right here."

He handed Brittany his phone and it was a video of him basically sitting on a canon. Fire! A loud boom came from the speakers and it scared Brittany just a little.

"WHOA." Brittany was completely in awe. "13B right?"

"Yes, that's right." It kind of caught Keola off guard.

"It's the coolest ever babe. The last time I went with my dad to base he showed me around his unit and stuff and I got to sit on one of the canons. It was HUUUUGE!"

"Oh I've seen them. Fort Sill is home of the field artillery and we went on a couple tours during school." Santana's dad looked over at Brittany. "I like going to the museum there too. There's never really anything new but it always keeps my interest."

"Come Santana, let's go pay for the bill." Santana and her mom got up and left the table. Which left Brittany alone with Mr. Lopez.

"Brittany, you know quite a bit about the Army. Anyone can go on a tour of Sill but to remember things like that, kind of shows interest. You ever, wanted to join?"

"I mean, it's crossed my mind. My mom was in the Air National Guard back home before I was born. But I was always more interested in the Army. I've looked into it a few times. The 68 series seems the most promising. 68Q, 68W and 68S are my top three. But I want to go to college. And I know joining will give me benefits like money for school. But I'm still so uncertain." Brittany was looking down at her hands. "And now that I've met Santana I'm taking school and everything so much more seriously. She's so smart. Her grades are impeccable and mine aren't that great."

"It's always something you can look into if things get don't go the way you want. And if you ever decide to join, I'm sure Santana will be behind you 100%." Brittany looked up at where Santana was standing with her mom and their eyes made contact. Santana shot her a smile which made Brittany melt. "But just don't let Santana be the reason you decide not to do something. If she loves you as much as she says she does, which might I add is a lot because she tells me all the time; then she'll be happy with whatever you choose to do with your future."

Santana and her mom came walking back over to the table.

"You guys ready to go?" Santana placed a ten on the table as tip and held out her hand to Brittany. "I'm sorry if my dad was giving you the third degree."

"Oh don't worry, we just had a really good conversation." Brittany shot a smile over to Keola as they all got up from the table. "So what's the plan, stan? The night is still young."

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