Coming Clean

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I'm so very sorry, it has been MONTHS since I've updated this story and I feel so terrible about that. I check my email from time to time and I always get all the comments asking me to update and finally, my girlfriend told me to get back into writing. And come to think of it, the last time I wrote was actually a couple days before I met her! So! Here goes a brand new update for Paradise :)

Also, my name on here used to be TVYLORLVUREN but I changed it to something similar to what I have on



"San? What the hell is going on? Why do you look like you just seen a ghost or something?" Rachel and Santana were now walking up the road a bit so that they could talk. "Talk to me. What's going on?"

"After Britt left the playground, I was getting ready to leave when Kayla showed up. And you know of course, Kehau was there with her. She tried to fucking kiss me."


"I didn't kiss her though! I moved back. I love Britt too much to hurt her that way. But I don't think she'll forgive me after this. Especially since I was drinking. I promised her that I would never do something like this to her and look what happened. She's gonna hate me."

"Quit talking like that Santana. Brittany, she loves you more than you know. More than she knows probably and all you have to do, is talk to her. Talk to her and explain what happened."

"Nah. I can't. I just won't tell her."

"Not telling her is the exact opposite of what you want. She told me what you guys fought about. You need to communicate with her more. And this is how you can show her that you're gonna start. She loves you San. Please you have to believe me. Just talk to her."

Santana looked down at her watch and saw that it was already a half past 12. "I'll talk to her in the morning okay? The last thing I want to do is wake her grouchy ass up just to tell her that Kehau tried to kiss me. That ain't exactly the first thing you wanna hear when you wake up."

"As long as you promise you'll talk to her. Go inside. I know you're exhausted. She's laying on the floor in my room." Santana started to walk away when Rachel grabbed her arm. "And hey, don't beat yourself up okay?"

"I'll try not to."

Santana walked inside and went straight to Rachel's room. Brittany was passed out, snoring slightly while the tv watched her. She slowly started to lay down when Brittany woke up and looked at her. She had those eyes, and Santana could never resist them. It was the eyes she fell in love with. She felt like she could see into her soul. She could see her future, and everything and every part of it had to do with Brittany. And God was it so bright. The last thing she wanted to do was lose all of it, and her heart drop at the thought of it.

"Are you okay babe? What happened?"

Santana laid down next to her girlfriend and grabbed her and pulled her close. "I'm okay babe. It's nothing. We'll talk about it tomorrow okay?"

"You took so long. I was getting worried. I tried to stay up, I really did." Brittany's head started to get lower on Santana's chest and she knew exactly what that meant.

"Hey, it's okay. None of that. I know you tried to stay up and I know that drinking makes you hella tired. Please don't worry. I'm okay. I love you, Britt."

"I love you too, San. Let's sleep. It's late and I think your dad had something planned for you tomorrow. Goodnight baby."

But Brittany didn't get a reply, because by that time Santana was fast asleep.

Paradise: A Brittana FanficWhere stories live. Discover now