Truth Be Told

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Brittany placed the plate back on the counter top and sat down, while Santana sat across from her.

"What's going on, babe?" Brittany was starting to get worried. She had just spent a good portion of the night with her ex girlfriend, and the first words she tells her is, 'We need to talk.' If that wasn't a bad sign to start, then how could it get any worse? "Don't tell me you kissed her or something."

"No no, it's nothing like that. I did what we said, we both just talked stories. Nothing happened. Honest. It's just, Kehau and I; we were good friends from before we even dated. So I mean, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I missed her. Not like, our relationship. Our friendship. She knows literally everything, just like Rachel does. But the only difference is, that she knows more about what happened when my dad first deployed. Yeah, Rachel found me that one day but that was about; halfway through the deployment already." Brittany sat there in silence. She couldn't find it in herself to nod, or do anything. She just sat there. "Kehau, she was there. All the time. From the beginning, till the end. She saw how I changed. She saw how him being away affected me. At first, it wasn't bad. It really wasn't. I just pretended that he was away like he had always been."

"Okay, so you're trying to say that; since you're dad is deploying you need her again?"

"Yeah- well, no. No I don't need her. I thought I did. I thought that I would need her because she understood everything."

"Santana, do you really know what you're telling me? You're sitting here, in my house, telling me that you basically need to talk to your ex because she understands you more than I do." Brittany was starting to get upset. "I'm you're girlfriend, Santana. Not her."

"I know that you are! I know that. I'm not dumb you know."

"Okay well where are you trying to go with this then?"

"I just wanted to tell you. Tell you how I feel. Is that so bad?"

"I mean, it is since you're telling me you want to be with Kehau again." Brittany rolled her eyes.

"Look, Brittany. Please try to be more understanding. I'm trying to explain myself." Brittany was looking away from her. When Santana went to reach for her hands, she pulled them away. "Babe."

"No. Don't babe me. Keep talking. Tell me all about last night. What else did you guys talk about? Huh?"

Brittany's ears were getting hot. She knew she was getting mad.

"That's all we talked about. My dad. How I need to talk to you and open up to you." Santana knew that this was a losing battle. That it would be from the moment she started talking about Kehau. "She said-"

"She said! Exactly! Santana-" Brittany started rubbing her temples. "Kehau, shouldn't have to tell you that you need to open up to me. You should already know that you can. You shouldn't have to have someone else tell you to do something like that. You know I'm here to listen. To talk whenever you need it."

"I know that! But deployments are a extra sensitive subject and you of all people knew that even before this deployment came up!" Santana stood up. "My dad is leaving. AGAIN. This time longer, and to a area that is twice as dangerous as the last time. You don't know anything about how I was when he first left."

"I would if you would just talk to me." Brittany was crossing her arms, looking her girlfriend straight in her eyes.

"What do you think I'm trying to do? You think I'm just keeping it a secret? That I came in the house and just said, 'Hey. Let me just eat breakfast. I won't tell Brittany about what happened last night. That Kehau wanted me to sleep over, but I told her no because that's fucked up.'"

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