Senior Game

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As Brittany took off for first base, she was looking straight at her coach at her coach who was standing in the box. He was motioning for her to take second, and as she rounded the base she looked out and saw the left fielder picking up the ball deep in left field.

Outfield? She thought to herself. This wasn't a dream. It wasn't a mistake this was her hit, and she finally got one outfield. As she stopped on second she looked back at the crowd which was going absolutely crazy. Santana was screaming from the dugout, that'a my girlfriend. Brittany didn't have a prouder moment during any softball game in her entire career. Never in a million years did she think that she was going to hit a popfly over the left fielders head. Especially during a game like this. But I guess that's all it took.


Santana couldn't even fathom what had just happened. She always knew Brittany was going to hit, but a RBI double to put them in the lead was more than she could've ever asked for. 3-2 now, the girls found a new revival of their spirits. Everyone wasn't moping around thinking about their prior mistakes. Now their heads were back in it, with their eyes on the prize.

After the 3rd out, Brittany came back into the dugout and everyone high fived her. Santana pulled her girlfriend on the side and gave her a kiss.

"That was fuckin amazing babe. I knew you had it in you."

Brittany smiled. "I thought we were supposed to keep our relationship and the game separate?"

"Well since I'm out for the rest of the game I figured it was a better time now rather than later." Brittany'a face saddened. "Hey I'm okay I promise. Just a little scratch. I'll be back before states. Get out there so you guys can finish the game."

"I love you babe." Brittany handed her helmet over to Santana in exchange for her visor.

"I love you too."

It pulled on Santana's heart strings a bit to watch her team take the field without her. Out of all games she could've got injured at, it had to be the one game that she had been looking forward to since her freshman year. Everything about the day was perfect. The weather, the crowd, and the score. The only thing was, now, she couldn't help her team to victory because she was sitting on the bench. She sat back down on the bench and placed Brittany's helmet beside her.

"Hey don't worry too much about it kiddo. You'll be back before states." Santana turned to see her dad leaning up against the fence behind the dugout. "That was a great throw."

"Yeah great enough to throw my arm out."

"What did Holly say?"

"She said that I'm probably just overusing it and with rest and ice every night i'll be back before states." Santana sighed. "But I just wanna finish the game, you know?"

"I know. But keep your head up, and cheer your team on. They need you." He fist bumped Santana through the fence and headed back towards the bleachers.

The count was full, with one out and a runner on first.

With a hard grounder to second, the team threw a double play and were heading back into the dugout. This time at bat it was 1,2,3 and the girls found themselves in the top of the 7th inning. All they had to do was hold Konawaena off and they'd win the game.

Santana stopped Rachel before she left the dugout. She knew what Santana was gonna say even before she started talking.

"I got you, don't worry okay?" With that she turned and ran onto the field.


Brittany was jumping up and down in center trying to get rid of her nerves. The atmosphere that consumed the field was the same all around. Everyone was nervous. The pressure was on, and the stakes were higher than ever. Santana's words before the game were floating around in everyone'a mind. The team wanted this win more than anything. And they weren't going to let Konawaena take it from them.

The three heavy hitters from Konawaena were starting off the lineup and everyone was on their toes. The first girl got on first, the second batter struck out but advanced the runner on first to second. The third girl hit a pop fly to right but the runner at second tagged up and advanced to third.

"2 outs! Runner on third!" Echoed throughout the field.

Brittany's stomach was in knots. She could only imagine how Rachel was feeling. Kehau was up to bat, and she was a good hitter. On the third pitch she hit a solid fast grounder to short and she stopped it. Kalani threw hoping that her throw could beat Kehau. Not only was Kehau one of the best pitchers on the island, she was also one of the fastest. Everyone waited as the umpire was deciding his call


The team went crazy. Everyone piled onto Rachel on the pitchers mound. Santana ran out of the dugout but didn't jump into the pile. Brittany found her, and they kissed as the rest of the team started to get up.

"I'm so proud of you babe. So fucking proud." Brittany smiled as she looked up at Santana. Tears were falling from her eyes. She knew that winning this game was so much more to her girlfriend than just another win.

"I didn't do this alone. It was all of us."

They looked back at their team who were all still celebrating their win.

Everyone lined up to shake hands with Konawaena. Coach Sue called everyone back out onto the field to have their after game talk.

"Now that was a game girls. Congratulations. You guys deserved that win. Now, lets celebrate. It's the seniors last home game and with every year and every season that ends we always lose a bunch of talented girls. This year we lose five great players who I know we are all truly going to miss. Before it gets any later, let's give them their send offs they all truly deserve."

The girls huddled one last time, and screamed dragons before they started their last senior home game tradition.

Coach Sue took the microphone and faced the bleachers.

"Every season, we lose players to graduation. This year, we are losing 5 players who have made the team what it is this season. Without their dedication and hard work, none of the wins would have been possible. So I would like to introduce to you, our 5 seniors. Nalani, Kama, Rachel, Brittany and Santana!" The girls took the field next to their coach. "As tradition goes, each player will hit their last hit and round the bases fully."

Everyone went one by one. When each girl ran home, they slid into home plate which was now a huge mud puddle.

When it came to Santana's turn, she was sad. Because her shoulder was injured she couldn't fully swing the bat and she couldn't slide into home either.

"Bunt babe. And don't worry about the rest okay?"

It wasn't ideal but it was something. Santana bunted and ran down the first base line. As she rounded second she looked home and saw everyone cheering her on. When she reached home the girls poured ice cold water on her.

"Let's hear it for our seniors!" The crowd applauded and as it died down, Coach ashe continued. "Everyone's invited to join us to eat. Please come and enjoy.

Santana walked over to Brittany who was taking a picture with Angel. "I know that was your idea babe."

"It was. I wasn't gonna have you miss out on something you've been looking forward to for years. I love you babe."

Santana smiled. Not only did Brittany basically win the game for them, she was looking out for her in every way.

"Lets go eat."

The girls enjoyed the rest of the afternoon with their and made their way back home to Santana'a place. After showering, the girls turned on a movie and relaxed. Brittany fell asleep, and Santana looked over at her. She knew that she could get used to this for the rest of her life. She had never been happier, and she wasn't going to mess this up.

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