Mauna Kea

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Brittany woke up the next morning, slowly stretching before finally opening her eyes. They slept at her house that night because after eating at the food court, neither of them had enough energy to drive. She turned over to look at Santana, but she was already gone.

"San?" Brittany walked out of her room and downstairs.

"After graduation, I plan on going to college. I'm gonna make a highlight reel this season and send it to a couple colleges."

"What did you have in mind?" Santana and her mom were having a conversation. Brittany slowly walked into the kitchen.

"Just a couple places, University of Michigan, University of Oregon, USC. Maybe UH Manoa. But I really want to go out and experience something new." Santana took a sip of her coffee and placed her cup back down on the counter. "My dad keeps telling me to apply at West Point but I don't think the military is my thing."

"You never told me about West Point." Santana turned, surprised that Brittany was now in the kitchen.

"That's only because I never considered going there, and I still don't." She looked back at Brittany's mom who was now taking the bacon onto the plate. "He says it's a good career path for me but I don't see myself doing the whole uniform thing with all of that stuff. That's too much."

"It's understandable, the military isn't for everyone. I did eight years in the Air National Guard back in Oklahoma. But after having Brittany I realized that it wasn't for me. My daughter came first and with all the six month deployments they kept sending me on I decided to get out."

"Oh that's cool. My dad has been in for about three years and he loves it." The girls started to make their plates. There was pancakes, bacon and scrambled eggs.

"May I ask, how come you and your mom didn't follow your dad?" Santana shrugged.

"I mean, mom never really wanted to move. The thought of leaving scares her. She's been here all her life and stuff and my grandparents are still here so she didn't want to leave. My dad was very understanding about it all. She's probably going to join him when I graduate. It helped that I didn't want to go either, I really wanted to finish high school here." She turned to Brittany and smiled. "And I'm glad that I didn't go."

"I'm glad that you and Brittany met. I swear I haven't seen her happier." Brittany looked over at her girlfriend, who was trying to hide the fact that she was blushing. "Well I've got to get going, I've got a brunch reservation with a few of my coworkers. Have fun today, and be safe okay?" Her mom walked over to her and kissed her on the head. "Make sure to take a lot of pictures for me okay honey? You're going to have a wonderful time. I'm sure of it." She looked back over to Santana and gave her a thumbs up. "Bye girls."

Once her mom was out the door, Brittany turned to Santana. "You told my mom where we're going but not me?"

"Don't take it personally baby. I had to ask permission. It's not exactly something you do without telling your parents." Santana grinned, knowing that she had just intrigued her girlfriend even more. "But that's all I'll be saying about that. Rach and Quinn are on their way over now. Then we'll be leaving okay? Make sure you have a good amount of food in your stomach. I have snacks packed already and our extra set of clothes."

"Are we going to the beach or something?"

"No, babe. And stop asking questions. You're never going to figure it out. Now eat." They talked and finished eating their breakfast and as they were putting their dishes in the dishwasher, Quinn and Rachel parked outside. Santana grabbed the duffle bag that was sitting in near the door. "You ready?"

"Yes I am."

They all got into Santana's truck and they pulled away from the curb.

"Britt do you know anything about where we're going?" Quinn was looking at her from the backseat. "Rachel refuses to tell me anything."

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