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Brittany woke up the next morning with puffy eyes and a headache. She hadn't felt like this in a very long time. Everything from the night prior was a blur. Whenever emotions overwhelmed her it was like she would black out. And that wasn't good. The last time that happened she ended up in the hospital with months of physical therapy. She turned over and saw that Santana wasn't on the bed with her anymore.

"San?" She called out. Santana wouldn't just leave without telling her right? She got off of the bed and walked towards the door. "San?" Nothing. Brittany got downstairs and caught a whiff of bacon frying in a pan. She turned the corner to see that Santana was cooking. "What are you doing?"

Santana turned around as if Brittany startled her. "Oh my God don't do that. I'm making breakfast for us. Duh." She turned back around and flipped the bacon. "Here. Have some orange juice."

"We didn't have orange juice though."

"I know. I went to the store and grabbed some." She slid the cup over to Brittany. "Just drink some."

Brittany grabbed the cup and started to sip on it. Her head was pounding. She could only imagine how she was going to feel when she got to school. School. She had totally forgotten that today was Monday.

"Oh fuck, what time is it?!" She grabbed Santana's phone off of the counter and saw that it was already 9:47. "We gotta get to school we're already late."

"Whoa calm down there, Sooner. We aren't going to school today. I called the office and let them know that your friend from back home passed away so you needed a day. My aunt works in there so we're covered. So sit down." Brittany sat back down and wiped her eyes. "How are you feeling?"

"Like complete shit. I have this pounding headache and I feel like my eyes are swollen or something." Santana walked around the counter and placed the plate down in front of Brittany. "This smells amazing. Thank you for making me breakfast."

"You're welcome." She placed a kiss gently on Brittany's head and walked back around the counter and took a seat in front of her. "I hope it isn't that terrible. I'm not much of a cook."

"It's really good, actually." They talked as they ate their breakfast.

"I'm glad. " After they finished eating, Santana washed the dishes and Brittany went back upstairs and laid back down on her bed. "Hey Britt?"


"Can I ask you about what happened on-" Brittany looked up at her and she immediately stopped talking. "I'm sorry. You don't have to tell me what happened I just was wondering because Quinn called your phone last night and I answered. She mentioned something and I was wondering about it since last night."

"It's alright. I'll tell you what happened." She tapped on the bed and Santana walked over and sat down. "What did Quinn tell you?"

"Well, she asked if you were speeding and I told her no even though Rachel had told me you flew into the harbor. I didn't tell her, I figured that'd get you in some kind of trouble with her. I know how best friends get. But after that she asked if you were wearing a helmet, she told me that you have a tendency to speed. And after what happened sophomore year, you shouldn't be on the bike. Or something I'm not too sure. And that was pretty much it."

"That would be Quinn, always trying to protect me and stuff. I love her to death. But she knows that nothing will come between me and my bike." Brittany stood up and stretched. "Alright. Sophomore year, I was with this girl that went to school across town. We saw each other often but because she played like three different sports, she never had the time to hang out." She walked over to her desk and grabbed her laptop and sat back down. "Towards the end of the school year, she had a softball game about ten minutes from my place. I wanted to surprise her so I had Quinn meet up with me at the field and bring a bouquet of flowers. I would've ruined them if I brought them on my bike. But when we finally found her, she was making out with the girl she claimed was her best friend. And I lost it."

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