Hana Hou

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The month that followed the trip up to Kohala was nothing but wonderful. Brittany spent nearly every weekend with Santana. They spent most of their time at the beach or cuddling in bed. It was the last week of September, which meant that Honoka'a was having their homecoming week.

"Oh come on, it'll be fun I promise. Homecoming week is what I look forward to all year. You know, other than softball." Brittany shook her head. For the past two weeks all Santana would talk about was Homecoming. She was also nominated for homecoming queen so that added to her excitement. "I want you to be there when I win queen."

Santana stood up and started waving as if she were a princess. With all the time they had been spending together, Brittany learned a lot about Santana. She's hard working, dedicated, loyal, trustworthy, and most of all loving. And that's what Brittany like the most about her. She always showed Brittany affection. Whenever it was cold she would give up her jacket for her or if they were leaving the beach Santana would let her wear her shirt if Brittany forgot an extra one. She even massaged Brittany's back from time to time. Which no one ever did for her. Santana took the time to learn about Brittany's back injury and how severe it really was. Anytime Brittany even slightly showed pain, Santana would ask her to scale her pain from 1 to 10. 10 being the worst. It was those things that made Brittany fall harder. Santana showed that she genuinely care for her.

"I told you I'm going to the parade but I don't know if I want to dress up during the week. And I don't care what you say, I'm playing powderpuff football and that's final."

"I don't want you playing though, what if you get hurt? Things get pretty rough out there and I don't want you to reinjure your back."

"I won't get hurt. Those girls aren't gonna catch me, babe."

Santana stood up from the bed and followed Brittany out of her room and down the stairs.

"Alright fine, if that's what you want then you can play. Just be careful. I'm telling you right now."

"I'm always careful!" They sat down at the dinner table and ate the spaghetti that Brittany's mom cooked the night before.

Santana was over at her house very often. Just like her, Brittany's parents also worked the night shifts at their job. So instead of staying home alone, they would take turns staying at each other's houses.

That night was pretty uneventful, as was the following day. Tuesday was what Brittany was looking forward to. It was powderpuff football day.


The football games were being held that afternoon, so that morning the teachers excused the girls who were playing to go and practice. The senior team was made up of the softball team, and about half of the girl's basketball team. Since their freshman year, the senior class had never lost a game of powderpuff football. They were unstoppable and Santana prided herself on that. The girls spent about two hours running plays and assigning people to their positions. Santana got quarterback and Brittany was a running back. She was the fastest out of everyone- which didn't surprise either of them.

When noon rolled around, each class had their football team on the field. They knew they had it in the bag. The seniors were faster, stronger and much smarter. They had actual plays and strategies to win.

The senior/junior game was an easy win for them. They scored four touchdowns. The games were timed, 30 minutes each. So for them to win like that, was ridiculous. So the championship game was between the seniors and the sophomores.

It started out up and up. The sophomores were a bunch of fast little fuckers, and Brittany started to get frustrated. She didn't like losing and she knew that Santana was the same way. There was one minute left in the game and the game was tied 2-2.

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