Hear Me Out

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Damn. It's been a few months hasn't it! BUT I'M BACK and here with a brand new update for those who have been anxiously waiting! A glee marathon has sparked the writing motivation in me again and hopefully this won't be the last update for another few months. I'm determined to finish this, because tbh this is one of the best fics i've written.

So here you go. A long awaited Paradise update.

Comments are again, always greatly appreciated.

Enjoy :)

I'll be over when we finish up here okay? We were just finishing up at the driving range. I love you.

Santana had never felt so anxious in her entire life. She was afraid that this was it. That this was going to be the last day that she would call Brittany her girlfriend. On the car ride over to Brittany's, she went over every scenario she could think of in her head. She thought of everything she was possibly going to say to her. Every apology, every explanation was carefully planned out in her mind and she felt a little bit of weight off of her chest. But what worried her the most? Was the fact that Brittany hadn't texted back since she left the driving range. And the more she remembered that, the more nervous she got.

"Everything is going to be fine, babe. Mom and I will be over at uncle's house if you need us. I love you." They waved bye and with that, Santana turned around and looked up the driveway. The walk over to the door seemed further than usual, and with every step she swore her heart would beat louder. She shuffled around her jacket pocket for her keys when the door opened, and there stood her girlfriend in her softball hoodie and sweatpants. Her nose was red, eyes puffy. Brittany shot her a small smile, and opened the door a little more inviting her inside. Santana's heart dropped, knowing that it was her fault that Brittany was in this state of sadness. They both sat on the couch together, with a little space in between them. It was quiet at first, but Santana couldn't take it anymore.

"Babe, I'm sorry I.."

"Hang on, San. Let me talk first." Brittany cut her off. "Give me a few minutes, and hear me out okay?"

The words made Santana's heart drop. She nodded, looking down at her hands. From a young age, Santana would play with her fingers whenever she got nervous. And Brittany recognized that and went to grab onto them.

"Look. What I'm gonna say, isn't bad. I promise. I just need you to listen, because I love you. I love you until the ends of the earth babe. What happened last night, wasn't ideal. It was like my worst nightmare in real life and hearing the words coming from you sucked, you know? She kissed you. And I wasn't there. So of course, I reacted the way I did. Because wouldn't you react the same way?"

Santana was crying, knowing that she royally fucked up. "Britt, I.."

"Hang on. I'm not finished. After you saw me standing there, you tried to explain yourself. And I didn't give you the chance to. And I wanted to apologize for that. I know you love me. Trust me. I know you do. I haven't doubted that since the day we started dating. And I'm not doubting you now. I just needed time to, process everything."

"I didn't want to kiss her. I promise I didn't. I was drinking and Kayla showed up and I'm not trying to use drinking as an excuse but she stopped Kayla and I from fighting and then it happened and I'm so sorry okay? I don't love her. She means NOTHING to me. Please believe me you have to believe me.." Santana broke down and Brittany grabbed onto her. "Please don't leave me, Britt. Please. You're everything to me."

"I'm not going to leave you, San. Okay? I'm not leaving you." She let go of her girlfriend to look her in the eyes. "Calm down."

Santana tried to slow her breathing, and when she couldn't, Brittany kissed her. She took a couple shortened breaths and starting breathing normally again.

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