Laupahoehoe Point

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Brittany had fallen asleep going down the mountain due to the fact that she was drinking. She woke up the next morning in her bed next to Quinn, who was out cold. She got up from the bed and walked into the bathroom to find a single rose with a note under it.

Baby. You were out cold when we got to your place. I tried waking you up but it was no use. So I brought you upstairs. I'm sorry that we're making you both stay here tonight but I want your Christmas presents to be perfect. I'll see you tomorrow.

XO San

Brittany smiled at the little gesture that Santana had done. There wasn't anything that Santana did for her that she didn't like. It was like Santana knew her innermost thoughts and dreams because they were all coming true. She washed up and walked back into her room to find Quinn sitting up on her bed trying to figure out where she was.

"I'm guessing you got drunk last night?" Quinn looked over at Brittany, and shook her head in disbelief.

"You know, I don't even remember going down the mountain. At all. The last thing I remember was having a shot of tequila with Angel. The rest is a mystery." The girls laughed. Brittany could smell breakfast coming from downstairs. And for a second, she thought that it would be Santana and Rachel but when they walked downstairs, she was disappointed.

"Good morning, girls." Brittany's dad was in a very cheerful mood. "And Merry Christmas Eve."

He plated the bacon and the girls sat and started eating. Quinn wasn't eating as much as Brittany so of course she took her extra food and ate that too. For bestfriends, they were complete opposites. Quinn loved going out at night while Brittany liked to stay home and relax. Brittany liked hiking while Quinn preferred to go shopping at the mall. And when it came to hangovers? Brittany could eat all day while Quinn would gag at the slightest smell of food. But today was different and she actually put something in her stomach.

"What do you two have planned for today? I imagine that you need to go out and get presents for your other halves?" He was right. They hadn't gone and gotten any presents yet. "Got any ideas?"

"Not really Dad. I guess we can go out to Kona or something and look for presents. I have a couple ideas." Quinn nodded.

"Same. I don't really know what to get Rachel though, she's not really materialistic."

"Not as materialistic as you, at least." Quinn playfully pushed Brittany. "What? I'm just saying. Is it okay if we take your car today dad? The extra helmet I have is at Santana's house, so I can't really take Quinn on the bike. Plus, we wouldn't have anywhere to put the stuff we buy." Her dad handed her the keys to his Honda Civic.

"Just be careful okay? There's going to be alot of people out doing last minute Christmas shopping." Brittany nodded. "I'll be home today, you're mom picked up a extra shift at work so she won't be home until a little later. Make sure you get her something too alright?" He reached into his pocket and handed her some money. "Spend it wisely. And make sure to get Santana something nice. She deserves it for all that she's been doing for you lately."

"I know dad. I will. Thanks." And with that the girls went up stairs and got ready to go to Kona.

It was about 10:30 when they were getting into the car to leave. Brittany quickly sent a text to Santana, letting her know what her plans were for the day. It was particularly hot- so Brittany wore short shorts with a nice Hurley top while Quinn wore skinny jeans and a tank top.

"You have any ideas for Rachel's gifts?" Quinn shrugged.

"I mean, I was planning on getting her some clothes. She pointed some stuff out to me when we were at the mall in Hilo the other day. So hopefully I can find it in Kona."

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