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AN: I felt like writing a story that mirrored my life. Not Brittany's role in the story. But Santana's. AU because obviously, they never lived in Hawai'i. So, here I go. Brittana AU that starts their Senior Year :) Enjoy!

"Come on Brittany, it's time for us to get going. Our flight is at 1:35 and you know your mother likes to get to the airport early."

Her dad's voice faded as he walked out the front door. Brittany was still upstairs in her room, which was now bare. Six months ago her dad announced that they were moving. Of course she was excited. She had never really been outside the state of Oklahoma before. And now that she thought of it, she doesn't remember the last time she had been on an airplane.

"Honey, we have to get going." Her mom yelled up to her.

"I'm coming!"

With one last look Brittany walked out of her room and shut the door for the last time. It left her with a bitter sweet feeling. She got into the car and they started to drive away. As she looked at her former home, she began to tear. This had been her home since she was a baby. She didn't think she'd get this emotional over leaving the place she was so desperate to depart from.

But regardless, she was ecstatic. I mean, how many people can say that they were moving to Hawaii? She was moving to the place most formally known as 'paradise'. But moving to the luscious green pastures and season-less state came at a price. 3,674 miles and a five hour time difference to be exact. Not to mention leaving her childhood best friend, Quinn. Quinn wasn't as excited at the thought of Brittany leaving for Hawai'i. They were going to be seniors that year and without her, she was going to be lost. Their softball team would be losing their best player. Brittany tried to reassure Quinn that they had champs in the bag even without her but being as stubborn and hard headed as she was, Quinn's predictions didn't change.

As she arrived at the airport, the realization dawned on Brittanythat she may not be back in Oklahoma for a while. She proceeded to help her parents unload the bags and they walked into the airport. Her dad told his friend thank you for the ride and followed quickly behind them.

After going through security and all of that good stuff, they went straight to their gate and stood in line to board. Brittany pulled her phone out of her back pocket and quickly wrote a text to her best friend.

I love you, Q. You'll be just fine without me. Of course I'll always be here to talk. Anytime. I promise. Just a call away. Take care alright. I'll text you when I get to Hawai'i.

The line started to move. As she got closer to the gate, she started to get butterflies. This was really it. She was leaving the Sooner State for the Aloha State. She walked down the ramp and onto the plane. Her seat was a window, which made her that much more excited. I'll get to see everything, she thought to herself. The flight attendants were now going through their safety brief which Brittany was not paying any attention to. Her eyes were pretty much glued to the window as she watched the plane reverse and taxi to the runway. She felt like a little child looking into the window of the candy store.

Eight hours and a really bad neck ache later, Brittany's mom woke her up in time for her to see the islands in view. It was one of the most amazing things she had ever seen in her life. Nearly everything was green. The sun was setting now which made it that much more breath taking. They had to change planes on O'ahu (pronounced ohh-ahh-who) and proceed to the Big Island. That flight was only a short forty minutes. When they landed, Brittany was nothing but excited. Her heart raced and she couldn't stop fidgeting. This was it. Her new home. She followed her parents to get their luggage and then out to the road where her father's new boss was waiting for them.

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