The Valley

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Here it is! The big 2-0! It's more of a filler, so sorry if it sort of bores you.

Check the AN at the bottom for more from me. :)


"I'm not even going to ask where we're going this time, because I feel like I've been over-asking today and I don't wanna over do it."

Brittany followed Santana out the front door and grabbed onto her hips. It made Santana stop and turn around. Brittany placed a kiss on her lips, smiling at the same time.

"Well then," Santana grabbed onto Brittany's face and kissed her again. "I hope you had a good nap."

"I did." They interlocked hands before walking off down the road. "At the risk of sounding irritating, where are we going?"

"I'm taking you to the beach."

They walked down the road and passed a bunch of trees and parked cars with no one in them. It was a really nice day, so it wasn't surprising that many people were in the water. The waves were of good size, and a lot of people were body boarding.

"Alright. So, to get to the beach we have to cross the river."

Brittany had a thing about walking on wet rocks. She didn't like it, and was absolutely terrified of stepping on moss. It was an irrational fear that she only discovered after going to the beach a few times with Santana. She'd try to not walk on rocks in the water at all costs, but sometimes it was unavoidable.

"Butttt the rocks."

Santana looked back at her girlfriend. Her feet were already in the water. The river depth wasn't too bad, the water went up to about her mid thighs. Just missing her shorts.

"You'll be okay. Come on. Give me your hand." Hesitantly, Brittany walked over to the edge of the river but didn't step in. "I promise. It'll be so quick that you won't even realize that we walked across it."

Brittany slowly made her way into the water and was stiff as a stick. Santana slipped her arm behind, placing her hand on Brittany's lower back and gently brought her into the water next to her.

About half way across the river, Brittany stopped.

"What is it, B?"

"I'm touching rocks with my feet." Her face was completely distraught and Santana couldn't help but smile. She knew that this part would be the hardest- getting Brittany across the river. "It's not funny babe!"

"I'm sorry! You just look cute right now." Santana walked behind Brittany and stood behind her. "I'll be right here the rest of the way. Now come on."

Once they got across the river, Santana lead and Brittany followed. The beach was nice, similar to Kiholo with it's black sand. There were only a couple people sitting on the beach- reading books, or tanning and enjoying the sun on their skin. Brittany was holding Santana's hand, as they casually walked along the shore.

"You know, I remember when I was a sophomore," Santana began. "I was just getting used to my dad not being around for months at a time and I was just bored out of my mind. Rachel would always be doing something with her dads and I would just sit at home and watch tv or go for a run. The routine was getting to me. I needed something new. And that's when he got me Snix."

The kept on walking, and Brittany didn't care how far they were going.

"Once I got used to driving her, I started coming down here. Mostly on my own, because I guess I just really wanted time to myself. I wanted to be able to sit, and take a deep breath in without someone next to me asking, are you okay?"

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