Fishing Tales

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Millions of thoughts were running through Brittany's mind. Rachel was already out of Waimea, and heading back towards Honoka'a. She had no idea what was going on and if Quinn hadn't told Rachel about their conversation from the other day then what could all of this be about? She didn't want to push Rachel's buttons, but she needed to know what was going on.


"Yeah?" Rachel was still focused on the road, like she was deep in thought. "Fuck sorry. So okay. Here."

Rachel handed Brittany her phone. The text thread between her and Santana was open to the last message she had sent her.

"I tried calling her but her phone went straight to voicemail. All I know now is that we have to go and get her."

"He's going to Afghanistan? And I'm guessing that the last time he got deployed was Freshman year right?"

"Yup. She's had some time to adjust to his Army life and what not but deployments are so much different." Rachel was turning into her road now, she drove past hers and parked in Santana's driveway. Her truck wasn't home, which meant that she was probably long gone. "She didn't text you or anything did she?"

Brittany looked down at her phone, realizing that her girlfriend hadn't messaged her for a few hours. It was too weird, she didn't wanna bother her when she knew that Santana was spending time with her dad. "I haven't gotten anything from her for a couple hours actually." She tried calling her girlfriends phone but to no success. Straight to voicemail as well.

"Okay. Now let's think about this. The only place I can think of her going is Laupahoehoe. Maybe we should start there?" Rachel threw her car in reverse and began to back out of Santana's driveway.

"That sounds like a plan."

And with that, the girls headed that way.


Santana had been on the road for a good hour now, blasting her music and just driving. She always expected her dad to get deployed again. After the first tour, Santana felt pretty confident about her dad going again but she never thought about how she was going to initially react to the news. Hearing it, having her dad tell her that he was being sent back felt like a dream. And to add salt to the wound, he was going to be missing graduation. That was probably what hurt the most. Of course, she understood that it wasn't his fault. He didn't choose to go, he didn't get to choose when he leaves and she understood that too. But it just sucked, you know?

She took a sip of her water bottle, as she drove through Kona town. Back when Santana was younger, her dad would always take her on fishing trips around the island. One of her favorite places to fish with him was this little secret spot they had a little past Kona. She never knew the name of it, and it didn't matter really. It had such a special place in her heart that it didn't even need a name for her to remember where it is.

As always, she pulled over and turned into the road. No one was parked, which was normal. She reversed up to the water and parked. Her fishing stuff was already in the back of her truck and she had stopped in Waimea to pick up some bait. The sun had just set, so Santana turned her lantern on and put a little glow stick on her line so she'd know where it was.

As she cast her line, she thought back on the last time she was down at the spot with her dad.

4 Years Ago

"It's such a nice day today!" Santana was hopping out of her dads truck. They hadn't been fishing in such a long time. Her dad was home for a few weeks. He had just graduated from basic training and AIT and was given some time off before he was sent to his first duty station. "It just sucks that you have to leave again soon."

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