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Don't you love a good cliffhanger? I DO!

I'm sorry to those who don't fancy them, but if you haven't noticed I love doing them.

I'm also sorry if the last chapter seemed a bit rushed, I was just excited to get it out before I went to practice that day.

ALSO, I would like to share that writing about how Brittany was nervous before her game brought back softball feels and I got nervous like I always did before a game. Lol.


Brittany laid there for what felt like an eternity, praying that she caught the ball. Jen ran over to her, holding her hand out.

"Sooner are you okay? Is your back okay?"

She opened her glove, to see that the ball was sitting in the pocket. She sighed a breath of relief, stood up with the help of Jen and threw the ball to Wehi who was waiting at the edge of the infield.

"Nice catch." She high fived Brittany with her glove and smiled. "Santana told us about your back injury this morning. How come you never mentioned um before?"

"I don't know, most times I forget about it that's why." The crowd was still roaring. It was certainly a spectacular catch. She could see Santana smiling from the pitchers mound, where she was talking to Rachel.

The girls got the next two outs off of the girls that followed the lead off hitter for Kealakehe. One, two, three. Just like that. Everyone hustled infield to start off the bottom of the first inning.

"That was a great start to the game. Nice grab, Britt. Had me holding my breath for those couple seconds." Rachel fist bumped her as she continued talking. "Let's get it started girls. Hits on three. One, two, three."


Rachel dropped her glove and her visor and slipped on the helmet that Quinn gave her. She stepped out onto the field and watched the pitcher as she threw some warm ups. Once her timing was down, she stretched a little.

"The girl that's their pitcher, she is super inconsistent. She may throw fast, but you never know where their gonna go." Wehi was leaning up against the fence next to Brittany, who was getting her batting gloves on. She stepped out onto the field, and into the batters box.

Brittany watched as the girl threw her first pitch, and it was way too high. Second was too low, and third was just right but Rachel let it go by because Coach Sue signaled for her to not swing at the first strike. Santana was banging on the fence now. Brittany looked back at her girlfriend, who had the black lines painted under her eyes. It was sort of smeared now, probably because she was sweating. If there was one thing about Santana, it was that she would sweat really easily. Which wasn't a bad thing, it was just something that Brittany noticed the more they practiced together.

"C'mon Rach you got this. Don't jump."

Rachel's hands gripped the bat just a little tighter, as the next pitch was released. She swung, and it was a nice line drive that landed just past the short stop. She rounded first base, hoping that she'd get a chance to get to second but it didn't happen.

The crowd clapped, and now it was Brittany's turn to step into the batter's box.

She had never been the best at hitting, but the more Brittany practiced the better she got. Freshman year, her batting average was 0.00. It was her first time playing softball. When she was younger, she played little league. Of course she went on to Coach Pitch, then Minors and Majors followed. But never had she played softball. So getting adjusted to the pitching change was hard for her. Hitting a ball that rose was much harder than hitting one that came down. Sophomore year was a little better, but not by much. It wasn't until junior year that she really started to blossom. She was hoping that senior year would be her time to shine, and she prayed that all the time that she spent with Santana at the batting cages would pay off.

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