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Hello friends! Here we are again.

I have changed my pen name to hide my identity. For those of you who DO know my name, well aren't you lucky. Lol.

Sorry for any mistakes, there's probably a couple in there.


"How long does it take to get to where we're going?"

The girls had been driving for about ten minutes or so. Santana said that it was right down the road, but it was taking a little bit longer than expected.

"Don't worry, Britt. It shouldn't be that much longer."

They had stopped at Rachel's place to get her camera and her ukulele, then headed down to the valley. When they reached the lookout, there were a bunch of cars sitting in the parking lot. Santana pulled to the side and put her truck in park.

"Why are you stopping?"

"So many questions. Just come on babe. Follow me." Rachel jumped out of the truck first and ran over to the rock wall. Santana and Brittany followed, interlocking their hands. It had become second nature, a habit.

The view of the valley was incredible. It was similar to Pololu Valley but she definitely liked this one a little better. Brittany walked closer to the wall and sat next to Rachel who was trying to snap a picture for Quinn.

"This is awesome. People are down there?"

"Yeah. Waipio is like, the spot. We used to come down here all the time. That was before everyone started coming down here a lot." Rachel looked a bit irritated. "Like us and the girls would be down here every weekend, then the football boys started coming, volleyball girls, even the fuckin golf team started coming down. And eventually it got too crowded."

"Ugh, I hated when the golf team came down. They always brought all their clubs and shit. It got so fuckin' irritating."

"Oh my God and they'd hit golf balls on the beach yeah? Jesus."

Brittany was still sitting there, admiring the view as the two girls talked.

"Let's get down there." Santana was rubbing Brittany's shoulders. "I can't wait to show you."

They got back into the truck and headed down the hill. It was very steep, much more than Brittany initially anticipated. The cars coming up the hill were stopping for the vehicles coming down the hill which was very considerate.

"We're going down into the valley?"

"Of course! We wouldn't have come this way if we weren't. It'd be a waste of a trip."

Once they got off of the steep hill, Santana drove until they were driving near the water. It looked like a regular beach, just not as crowded and had black sand.

"It's beautiful down here." As they were driving, Santana plugged in her iPod and started to play music.

"This is the playlist that I always play when we come down here."

Brittany was listening to the song playing and she couldn't help but start to bob her head to the music.

They got to a little house near the river that flowed through the valley, and Santana parked her truck in the empty spot in the garage.

"Whose house is this?"

"It's my uncles. He's away in the mainland right now, I texted him earlier. He told me we could come and hang out."

They got out of the truck and walked towards the house. Santana found the spare key under the mat and opened the front door to let everyone in. To Brittany's surprise, the house was really nice. It looked brand new.

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