New Years Eve

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The days that followed Christmas were amazing. Brittany didn't have to hide her true feelings for Santana anymore and she felt as if a weight was lifted off of her.

It was the day of New Years Eve now and excitement filled the air. Santana loved New Years Eve, it was like her number one favorite holiday of all time.

"I still don't understand why you like New Years Eve so much, babe." Brittany was washing the dishes while Santana put the extra food away from breakfast. "It's just another night you know?"

"Just another night? What are you talking about?!" Santana looked over at Brittany, jaw dropped.

"Yeah. I mean, what do you do other than watch the fireworks show?"

Santana laughed, shaking her head a bit. "We don't just watch the fireworks show here babe. We can light fireworks ourselves."


"Yeah. Every year my mom goes to Costco and she buys like at least $200 worth of fireworks and I play for hours. It's actually kind of funny. Because I used to be afraid of them." Brittany placed the last dish on the drying rack and turned towards Santana. "You'll see later tonight why I love it. You're parents are coming tonight right?"

Rachel's dads owned a place in Waikoloa (Why-Ko-Low-Ah) in the newer neighborhood near the skatepark. Since they were going to rent out the place soon they decided that they should have a get together with friends for the coming of the new year. Everyone was invited which included and was not limited to the entire softball team and their parents and her dad's friends.

"Yes they are. But they told me that they weren't going to stay all night because that dude that my dad works with, Justin, he invited them to his beach house. It's like a work thing so my dad said he has to at least show up. I don't have to go though."

"Good. Cause if you did, then I'd be pretty sad."

"Sad? Why?" Santana looked over at Brittany. They were sitting in the living room now. "Because I wouldn't be spending the whole night with you?"

"Yeah that's part of it. But also because I never had a midnight kiss on New Years Eve before and I was looking forward to um. That's all."

"You have..never had one?"

"Well like I told you, I've only been in two other relationships and I have never had that kiss. I know it sounds stupid but, it's something that's on my bucket list." Santana looked down towards the ground as if she were disappointed.

"Don't worry babe you have me this year." Brittany walked over and sat on Santana's lap. "I love you."

"I love you too." And they kissed.

As night fell, the girls and Brittany's parents headed for Waikoloa. Santana's mom would be meeting them there later after she finished her shift.

When they arrived at Rachel's dads place, Brittany spotted Quinn, Rachel and a couple of the other girls in the driveway lighting sparklers.

"B!" Quinn called out running towards the car that was now parked. "Come on! Hi Mrs. Pierce, Mr. Pierce."

"Hi honey." Brittany's mom said as she opened up the passenger side door.

"Come on San! We're waiting on you so we can do the bomb thing! We gotta test um before we do the actual one at 12." Kama was holding a lighter and what looked like a box filled with a assortment of different fireworks.

Santana jumped out of the car and ran over to the girls. Brittany followed behind, walking arm and arm with Quinn.

"So? What did your mom say about the ring?"

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