Waimea Wooden Playground

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Yes, I have been updating much faster lately. Ive been in the writing mood so you can expect a couple more chapters after this. (Hopefully, lol)



Brittany didn't think that the Kohala game was going to be difficult, and she was right. They were a little better than Kealakehe but coming off of their terrible lost against Waiakea the girls were more motivated than ever. Rachel pitched an amazing game but three days of games really wore down on her arm. After the game, Santana ran over to the athletic trainers tent and grabbed a bag of ice for Rachel, and wrapped it on her shoulder.

"Hey quit moving, Rach. I can't get it on the right spot." Brittany watched as Santana struggled to wrap the plastic around the bag of ice.

"I'd quit moving if you weren't being so damn rough, shit San."

"There." Santana let go of the ice bag and it immediately fell off. "Well, maybe someone else should wrap it."

"Here I got it." It took Brittany only thirty seconds to properly wrap Rachel's shoulder. "See?"

"Thanks, Britt. That's perfect, actually." She rubbed the back of her shoulder a bit. "It's hurts a little more than usual."

"You wanna go and see the athletic trainer?"

"No it's alright. I'll be fine."

"Okay. You know, Quinn used to pitch too. That's why I can wrap so well. She didn't ever want people to know that she was hurting. That's just how she was." The girls were all walking back towards the van now, ready to head home.

"So why did she switch from pitcher to third?"

"She figured she'd be more useful there. Her arm wouldn't hurt as much after, which was a huge plus for her. Cause she'd sit through the entire bus trip home without icing it. Sometimes she'd go a hour or two without icing it because she wanted to wait until she got home." Rachel nodded, understanding where Quinn was coming from. Santana was talking with the other girls, which left Rachel and herself together.

"It's still pretty early, which is nice. At least the entire day isn't wasted." Rachel was excited, her dads were taking her to dinner at Macaroni Grill. It was pretty much all she was talking about since her dad's told her that morning.

On the way home, Santana was massaging Brittany's back. It was slightly hurting, which it did sporadically once in a while. It caused Brittany to fall asleep, and by the time she woke up they were about to pull into the school's parking lot. Her head was hurting a little, probably because she didn't drink enough water. She reached for her backpack but was met with Santana giving her a water bottle.

"How do you always know?"

"I just do, babe."

They walked back down to Santana's place and chilled. It was about two in the afternoon and all Brittany wanted to do was rest. They changed and threw their uniforms in the washer then sat and watched Harry Potter for the rest of the afternoon. Brittany threw her brace on for the evening per Santana's request.

The door started jingling and Santana's mom, Kailani, walked in. Although she preferred to be called Lani.

"Hey girls. How was the Kohala game today?" She placed her purse down on the table and looked over at Santana. "Since Sanny isn't pissed off I'm guessing you guys won. How'd you do today?"

"2 for 3. The one time I didn't get on base I advanced Britt up to third." Her mom nodded approvingly. "And you Brittany?"

"1 for 3. I bunted twice but I didn't make it onto base."

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