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AN: I appreciate everyone that has been reading and giving feedback on my story :)

The next day at school, Brittany was a bit nervous. Rachel had shown her that her schedule had a mistake on it, and her ensembles class was switched to 6th Period instead of 5th. So today, she'd be auditioning for the ensembles class. If she didn't make the cut, then she'd have to find another class or TA for a underclassman class. Either was fine, but she was determined to get in. She hadn't spent all those years taking drum lessons for nothing. She had been practicing her song that she was going to audition with for about a week or so.

Brittany walked uphill by herself. She didn't know who was going to be in this class with her and she was afraid that she wouldn't know anyone. She walked into the music room to see that Santana was standing at one of the microphones.

"Well isn't this a surprise? I didn't expect to see you here, Sooner. You sing too?" Brittany walked up to her.

"No I don't sing. But I do play." And she pulled out a pair of drumsticks from her backpack.

"Now that is truly impressive. You seem to be full of all sorts of surprises, and I like surprises." Santana smiled. "Hopefully you make it, I'd love to see you in here. I'm sure you won't get cut, Mr. Shuester is really fair."

"Alright class, today we have a new addition to our class. Brittany, would you please come up here?" Brittany walked up to the front of the class and stood next to the teacher. "This is Brittany. She transferred here from Oklahoma and according to her old music teacher, she has a thing for the drums. So she'll be auditioning today."

"Is it alright if I play along with music? It's an instrumental with out the drums."

"That would be perfect, actually." Brittany handed a boy her phone and he plugged it into the amp. At first, she was going to try out with Bat Country by Avenged Sevenfold but having Santana sitting in the room changed everything. She looked over to where the brunette was siting and saw her smiling at her. She scrolled down past Bat Country and to a song that she had only been playing for one night. It was risky, but she knew she could do it. All she would have to do was make it her own.

The song came on and she saw Santana's face light up. It was Rude by Magic. And for the next 3:45 seconds she put on the best show of her life. Brittany wasn't nervous and she had no doubts at all. She played from her heart and got into the music. Everyone in the classroom had gotten up and started dancing. The rhythm was just flowing it of her as if it were second nature. In all honesty, she wanted to impress Santana so bad. As the song came to and end, everyone clapped. Brittany looked over to Santana who gave her a very pleased look- as if she were admiring her.

"Brittany. That.. Was amazing! Looks like you have a drummer for your song, Santana." Brittany bowed a couple times, playfully and humbly of course. "You can have a seat. There are a couple more people auditioning for other instruments."

Brittany picked up her backpack and walked over to where Santana was sitting. She scooted over and Brittany sat next to her.

"You seem to be saving me a lot and the school year literally just started. I have been trying to find someone to play drums for that song all summer and no one could get the rhythm. I'm so stoked. Thank you, Brittany." Brittany looked over to Santana who was looking directly at her.

Brittany smiled and Santana returned a smile back. "It's my pleasure, Santana. Really. It is."

The rest of the class went smoothly. A couple more students played the guitar and the bass but no one tried out for drums. Brittany didn't really pay attention to who was performing even though she knew that those students gave her their undivided attention. All she could think about was the fact that she had Santana in yet another one of her classes. After spending time with Santana after school yesterday, she didn't feel as nervous. They had texted for about an hour that night before, talking about all sorts of things. Brittany wanted to ask if she liked girls so badly but didn't find the courage to. She was lost in her thoughts when she felt someone nudge her.

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