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jeff, poets are meant to die alone
to be disappointed by love
to never find what they imagine
reality is so violent for people who believe in beauty

it's never enough for poets.
they always have to write to make things look good
to make tears sparkling and smiles tainted
they always have to write to believe it's worth it

jeff, poetry is all i have
with music and journals
everything i have belongs to art

i'm nothing else
but art.

i live for heartbreaks
i sing for sadness and peace
i dream because i'm scared
i pretend to search who i am
but i never wanna know

my life is a question itself
that i never want to answer
my only certainty is love and poetry
i want to dedicate my life to poetry
and feel love for everything

i want to write about you
and for you to see when you visit
i want to hold your hand
with a words ring

i write because i am
and not because i have
i write because it's the same as breathing
i write because no one can steal it

i write because it's the only way to make my soul travel centuries
i write because people i love and that didn't live here wrote too
and that made me know them

i write because my words are my soul
flaming, icy, soft and sweet
my soul is thousands of words
constantly moving

vows at a wedding
apologies at a funeral
words are joy and words are sadness
there are words that i love and words i hate

i'm a poet.

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