Chapter 1

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When Travis opened his eyes he was..was in some part of an unknown forest! He was wondering how the heck did he get in the forest when he should be in his bed right now. Travis looked around him slowly as the darkness of the forest set a creepy feeling right now. He saw dark green bushes and lots of dark brown oak, cider, and other sorts of trees. The ground was covered in dark grass and dark muddy patches of clear dirt in some spots.

There was little light so he was basically in almost complete darkness. Travis suddenly heard a giggle and something fly by him into the brush behind him. The giggling continued and it echoed loudly. Then as Travis looked behind him and saw nothing in the bushes when he turned around he saw eyes. Not any ordinary eyes either the pupils were not even there even the iris wasn't there. They were just two white glowing eyes and nothing else.

Travis then heard a echo like voice that was hard to determine if it was female or male. It said "Travis! Come See! Travis must come and see!" He then heard someone running through the forest and with his sensitive hearing he heard the person painting from exhaustion. Travis yelled out in a clear voice "Hey you good? Hello? Can you hear me?" His voice echoed throughout the forest but who ever it was never heard him. He then heard the person screaming out and the sound of a gun shot.

Travis tried to move but his body felt like it didn't want to. Then he heard the creepy shadow voice again "Travis must see! Travis will be shown! Travis must run!" Then suddenly the shadow in front of him lunged at him! His body finally was able to move and he bolted as he dodged the shadow that was chasing him. Travis was running for several minutes still hearing the giggling and he suddenly tripped over something. He looked behind him to see an outline of a body laying in a pool of blood! Then the shadow jumped at him from out of no where saying "TRAVIS MUST SEE!!"

Travis shot up right in his bed as the alarm from his phone was blaring through the empty house. His breathing was ragged and he was a little sweaty from having almost all of his clothes still on. He sighed as his breathing got under control and he sighed again in relief as he knew now that it was just a nightmare. Travis then got up out of his bed and made up his bed. He then went into the kitchen and started to make coffee as he found his unpacked coffee on the counter. Travis was still waking up as he put in the container in the coffee maker and the machine started to make the coffee.

After several minutes of waiting he finally had his coffee in his favorite coffee cup. As he was sipping his coffee he was thinking about the island and the house now that he could breath and not have to worry about driving right now anyway. The island he was on was as big as Greenland just slightly bigger. The reason it wasn't found was because of magic that hide the island in plain site. There was thick fog that ship had trouble even navigating in. It was basically like the Bermuda Triangle. The ships that went in never came back out because they rammed there ships into the rocky shores of the island that was invisible. Once the world found about magic and other things they found about the magic blocking the island and eventually broke the spell. The island was eventually reached after being discovered. The people decided to build a town and then once that was done they built a bridge that connected to the main land.

The island was named Shima Mori of Yami! Others called the island of Shima of Maho! The first one was translated meant Island Forest of Darkness! The other translated to Island of Magic! Travis hometown just calls it the Island! The island only had one town and that was his hometown. The rest of the island was uninhabited except for the tribe that lives in the forest. The rest of the island is cover in thick forest and steep mountains that house the world's most abundant of herbs, poisonous things and local wildlife that is diverse. His hometown had plenty of stores and a whole lot of living space in houses.

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