Chapter 19

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Travis looked back at Marie as he heard her say that she was the one who killed 5 people in the woods. He then asked Marie again who repeated her answer again and then he had to think about things and then he said "Why? Why did you kill those people I will not judge you because you killed people there must be a reason why you did it?"

Marie gave Travis a half a smile and said "I am glade that you are my mate others would have jumped the gun and arrested me right now. The reason that I killed them was because they were trying to kill me and so I ended there life. Although you should realize what I am even if you can't remember I told you two days before you left when we were kids.

Travis then felt a pain in his head suddenly and he couldn't focus on Marie or anything as the pain began to be to much he screamed out as Marie was holding him yelling his name. He then found himself in a dark void and he could hear voice of Marie and Jack talking. "What is happening to him Jack?"

Jack then responded in a normal manner "Don't worry he is not dying he is simply in an unconscious state but he is awake to hear everything that is going on around him this is common when some who looses there memories and then they return."

Travis then felt someone running there hands through his hair and he knew it must be Marie or he prayed that it was because whoever it was was affectionate with there care of him. He then saw a bright light up head which he ran towards the light and that is when a bright light exploded. Scenes of things passing by him of him and Marie there first time see each other under the willow to there first make out behind the tree as his grandma was yelling out his name. 

To when he found out what she was she was a Nymph that born from the willow tree. She even told him about all of here folks that turned into tree whenever people show up that day he saw a adult male between the trees waving at him which turned out to be Marie's father. Then Marie explained that the forest was alive which gave them life and also that if someone ever tried to kill them that the forest will kill them without hesitation. Travis then got to the end of the memory when he saw himself in a summon circle tied to a chair and a dark figure who voice was female. 

He was yelling, screaming, kicking when a man who was also blurred out walked up to him and started to seal his memories away. Then Travis stated to fell himself waking up from whatever knocked him out and he opened his eyes looking up in Marie's green eyes. He smiled and said to her before she can say anything "Hello my Nymph!" Marie jerked back in surprise when she didn't expect him to say that to her when she was fixing to apologize for something.

Marie then leaned down and kissed him for several minutes until someone cleared there throat Travis looked up as he saw a smirking teenager looking at them while Jack was looking away from them. He then got help up from Marie who was blushing from getting carried away with there make out. Travis just laughed while saying "I got all of my memories back! So now I know what you are and I remember somewhat of what happened to me I don't know who did it yet but they will have hell to pay when I do."

Marie smiled then she said "Then you know that I didn't kill them on purpose they were trying to kill me or hurt the forest and thus the forest killed some of them with accidents that turned there worst fears into what killed them. I am sorry I didn't tell you that I have killed 5 people but I didn't know how you will feel if you knew about what I did."

Travis watched as tears rain down her cheek and he quickly embraced her and told her while she cried onto his shoulder for the pain she carried with each person she killed. He let her cry her pain out while she told him of there stories and how some haunt her in her dreams sometimes. She then sniffled and whispered to him "I am sorry I wanted to be pure heart when you returned but I came back tainted as much as this town was."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30 ⏰

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