chapter eighteen

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Over the time I have spent with the Joker I've grown attached to him. I never understood why I've grown attached and why at this point I would do anything for this man. Joker has been so impressed with how much I've learned and how much I've changed over the three weeks since my punishment, that he is going to let me go dance at the club tonight. He's dressed me in a short shiny gold dress with some black diamonds. I look just like his toy. My makeup and hair is done and he's dragging me alone to the club.

I've been so excited and I've been waiting for this day for a while. As soon as we pull up I'm grinning with excitement. "Cool it, baby" he whispers in my ear. I drop my grin and put on my poker face so I don't look too vulnerable. I go onto the dancefloor when he lets go of my hand, slapping my ass on the way. He talks to Johnny waiting for the guy to show up. When he does I glance over, the Joker's eyes are dead set on me, watching how I'm grinding and moving my hips to the music. I've found people to dance with, mainly this guy who keeps coming back. But Joker knows I'm all his.

After a while of me dancing with the man, Joker whistles me over."Come to daddy, baby" he grins as he watches me walk over to him. I instantly go to him as soon as he calls for me.. I sit up on the bar, "J" i grin and look at him

"This is my Toy '' joker holding his hand out in a gesture to me.

"The Jokers new toy, aye" he nods slowly with a smirk playing on his lips, "you got a bad bitch"

Joker snaps his gaze over to him with a growl, "yeah? Do you want her?" he turns to me, "you belong to him now"

I get off the bar and sit on the man's lap, "you want me? I'm all yours' 'I trace the man's jawline with my finger, tilting his head up to look at me.

"Nah man, that's yo girl" the man doesn't even look at me.

"What? You think im ugly? Fine, don't waste my time then" i get up from his lap and sit next to where Joker was standing before he got up.

"That's yo girl" the man repeats.

"That's right," Joker grins.

"I don't want no beef" the man shakes his head. I twirl my hair between my fingers as I look up at the joker watching him. "You don't want no beef? You don't want no beef?" Joker grabs his gun out of the shoulder holster and aims it at the man, "yo J-" the man's words get cut off by a gunshot. I don't even flinch anymore.

"Come on, baby, let's get outta here before the bat comes" i follow his lead out of the club and into his Purple lamborghini, the interior is white with LED lights. He drives fast down the road not caring about anything as we listen to music and he talks. "Looks like we got company" he grins and looks in the rearview mirror. "Batsy, batsy, batsy" I smirk and look back also, seeing the famous batmobile behind us.

He drives faster and so does batman. He's on our tail and every turn and alley we take he follows. "Fuck!" Joker growls in frustration and presses on the petal until he cant anymore. He takes a sharp turn and we drift, I grip the side of the door as he drives. "I hope you know how to swim-"

"what!?" my eyes widen in fear as the car crashes through the guard blocking the way to the lake. "J?! J i can't swim!!" I scream as the car crashes into the water. I'm knocked out from the force. Half my body was forced out of the windshield and onto the hood of the car.

I don't know how long had passed before I woke up as Batman gripped my hair at the roots and pulled my head up and made me look at him to see if i'm alive. I open my eyes and grab a piece of the broken glass to stab him with but he punches me, once again knocking me out.

He carries me out of the water and places me on the hood of his car, he starts to give me mouth to mouth and I start to kiss him, giggling as I do. He punches me again and then loads me up in his car driving me somewhere. I wake up on an examining table, I try to move my head around but my head is strapped down to the table, along with everything else. "What is your last name?" some women asked me, carrying a clipboard.

"Where am i? Where is J?"

She sighs, ignoring my questions, "what is your name?"

"Raven. Now where is he?"

"Thats what were asking you" 

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