chapter twenty three

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 I tied the faded orange uniform to make me look cute, I tied my hair in pigtails. I sit on my bed or I play with my trapeze for a few hours to pass time. I can hear yelling from down the hall, i dont pay it much mind until my door is buzzed open, "step back! She moves we shoot! Get on your knees! Hands in the air!" they scream at me while pointing big ass guns at me.
"Alright, alright" i step back into the corner of my cell and get onto my knees i lowly raise my hands into the air, the men buzz open the gate and walk into my cell, "alright, this is me being cool" as soon as one moves to grab me i grab is hand twisting it and getting onto his back, i take the bone out of my hair and stab him with it again. He drops to the floor and I straddle his back. I look up to move onto someone else but they taze me. No fun.

I wake up strapped to a chair, I giggle as I'm getting pushed in a line. "Haha" i giggle and look around. The chair comes to a stop and this lady brings this metal gun? Looking thing to my neck, "hey, what are you doin with that? Dont touch me- ah!" i cry out in pain as she shoots it into my neck.
"Tracker 175, good" she says and I get pushed on. Outside and through some gates, I giggle as I see a plane. My neck still is very sore. Griggs almost runs up to me, "hey, you tell him i took good care of you" i glare at him. I glance down as he puts the phone into my hand, and I slip it inside my sleeve.
"Your so screwed" i giggle
"Raven, whatcha you mean bout that? What do you mean about that?!" he shouts. I continue to giggle.
I'm transported onto the plane with a few others, I can't see them from the way my head is strapped in. My eyes get heavy from some drug they gave me. I try to fight the sleep that comes over me but in the end I lose.
After we land one by one each person is unstrapped from their chair and taken outside. I walk off the plane and look around, taking a deep breath in and I look at all of the military people. Geez, this is a wreck. I hear some girls talking while getting escorted saying this is the worst bachelor let party ever.
They bring chairs out also and I just sit in mine, my legs crossed. I looked around the airport we went to. I look over seeing some guy who looks like an alligator, shit, what happened to him? I look around some more seeing a bald guy with alot of tattoos, deadshot- wait deadshot?! Mister J would talk about him sometimes, damn can't believe he got caught.
The guy who was with the lady the other day walked up to us carrying his big ass gun, "Alpha, bravo team, on me."

a soldier next to him looks at all of us, his eyes on the croc, "what the hell Flag"

"Unlock 'em' ' he says. People look at him like he's crazy as they unlock the crock. Another helicopter lands and some guys run up and grab a huge moving sack.

"Hi boys" I stand up when we are fully unlocked, "Raven Quinn" I smile. A big group of armed soldiers stand around us, none say anything. No one says anything. "Huh? What was that?" i look up a bit, "I should kill everyone and escape?" i say more to the seals then myself.
"Sorry" I giggle, I tap my head, "the voices" I chuckle a bit, "I'm kidding! Jeez!" I wave them off. "That's not what they really said."

No one laughs, tough crowd. The guys who grabbed the sack walk over and drop him onto the floor. Flag says while walking over to them,"what do we got here? 12 pounds of shit in a 10 pound sack." he cuts the sack open and the crazy guy gets out, "welcome to the party, captain boomerang" he says.
Captain Boomerang punches a guy and the two soldiers including Flag pins him to some vehicle. "Hey, hey, hey. What's going on, man?"
"Calm down" flag says.
"One minute I'm playing Mahjong with my nanna and this red streak hits me out of nowhere" he says with his Australian accent heavy. "Shut up! You were caught robbing a diamond exchange" flag says
"I was not"
An all black SUV rolls up, "here comes slipknot, a man who can climb anything. Wonderful" he says, as one man and one woman open the back door for him. "Have a good time, Scumbag," she says. He punches her in the face which causes her to fall.

"Oh" I hear deadshot gasp.

Another man grabs him and drags him to our group, "she had a mouth" he says. My giggle turns into a chuckle as i sit in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest

"Listen up!" Flag shouts which makes us all look at him, "In your necks the injection you got" he puts his hands on his hips and slowly walks back and forth looking at all of us, "it's a nanite explosive. The size of a grain of rice but as powerful as a hand grenade." I put a thumb to my neck tracing over it. "You disobey me, you die." Killer Croc growls, Flag continues, "You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me... and guess what? You die."

I raise my hand to speak "I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you."

"Lady, shut up!" he yells at me. I push my lip out in a slight pout and slam my hand back to my body. "This is the deal" he gets kinda close to deadshot, "your going somewhere very bad to do something that'll get you killed." he keeps eye contact with deadshot, "but until that happens your my problem"

"So is that like a pep talk?" Deadshot asks.
"Yeah. That's a pep talk" Rick flag nods, "there's your shit." he points to the side, his eyes never leaving deadshots, "grab what you need for a fight. Wheels up in ten"
Before he can walk away deadshot stops him by saying, "you might wanna work on your team motivation thing, you heard of Phill jackson?"


"He's like the gold standard. Ok?" he puts his fingers in a triangle, "triangle, bitch" he nods dropping his hands to his sides, "study"

I get up from my chair and go to my box. It has a crown and RQ spray painted on it. I open it and see my clothes ''ahh!" I squeal. I picked up the black and red clown suit I danced with J in. i look around K.C is licking a leather jacket and deadshot is checking out his guns. I turn back to my stuff, I get my gun- the first gun J had ever given me. I put it to the side and picked up the PUDDIN gold choker, I kissed it and closed my eyes. I miss him.
I strip out of my uniform and put on my black and red bra. I put on my PUDDIN choker. I pull on my fishnets and some blue and red shimmery booty shorts. I put on my boots that have heels and tie my hair into pigtails. I pull on my white shirt that says 'Daddy's little monster' in red. I look around, finding everyone staring at me, "what?" they all go back to doing whatever. I fix my makeup and put on my red lipstick, I look over to deadshot who's looking at his mask, "won't fit anymore?" I grin, "too much junk in the truck?" I pop some guns into my mouth.

"Nah" he turns to me, "everytime i put this on, someone dies"

"And?" I put my red lipstick down.

"I like putting it on"

i grab my big ole' hammer, "goody" i grin and twist it in my hands, "somthin' tells me a whole lot of people are about to die" i put my guns harness on and put my gun in it.

"Yeah it's us, we're being led to our deaths" says.

"Speak for yourself mate '' Boomerang says, "hey, what's that crap on your face? Does it wash off?"

K.C chuckles

"Hey, if you like a girl can you light her cigarette with your pinkie?" i rest the hammer on my shoulder and hold my pinky up, "cause that would be real classy"

"Hey y'all might wanna leave the old boy alone. He could torch this whole joint" deadshot says, "ain't that right, ese?"

"You got nothing to worry about from me, im cool, homie" Diablo says.

We all scoff, the flag walks back over to us with an IPAD, "behold the voice of god" he says, the ipad clicks on and shows the women. "For those of you who don't know me officially, my name is Amanda waller. There's been an emergency in MidWay city. I want you to evacuate the city. Rescue HVT1 and get them to safety"

"I'm sorry, uh" deadshot interjects, "for those of us who don't speak good guy, what is HVT1?"

"The only person who matters in this city, the one person you can not kill. Complete the mission you get time off your prison sentence, fail the mission you die. Anything happens to colonel Flag i'll kill everyone of you myself" i twirl my gum around. I've ditched my hammer for the bat. 

"Remember I'm watching. I see everything." the Ipad clicks off. "There's your peptalk" flag says.

"Compared to your shit, she killed it" he jokes before he turns serious, "So that's it? We're just some kind of Suicide Squad" deadshot says.

"I'm not fighting institute" flag walks past him, not saying anything more than that. 

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