chapter three

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I never should've followed.

How could one be so dumb? I kept running, never looking back, never stopping. How did this guy know my name?

I turned a corner to the street my house is on, I looked behind me as I pulled my key out. I quickly tried to unlock the door as I spotted the guy. He ran up my stairs to get to me, I twisted the key unlocking the door. I turned around, faced him and punched him square in the nose. He stumbled back a bit clutching his nose, "you-" i kicked him in his balls, he doubled over in pain groaning, "you bitch!" he reached out to grab me as i threw the door open and slammed it shut on his face.

I twist the lock and drag a little table the (one that was closest to me), and put it in front of the door. I backed up my eyes not leaving the door. I can see the outline of the man, he's now standing and pressing his hands to my door. One hand is in a fist as he's now baning on the door. I'm backing up more. The man is now laughing, "you'll regret it bitch" his laugh is hysterical.

I turn around, drop my bag by the counter and look up my name tag. My fucking name tag is sitting on the counter infront of my eyes, "what the fuck" i mutter picking it up.

"Language, doll" a man's voice calls.

I whip around to see a man with bright green hair, a loose white dress shirt and a purple jacket. His pants are dark and i didnt get a good look at his shoes, "who the hell are you! And how did you get into my house?"

"What's with all these questions" he takes a step forward, i take one back.

"I'll call the cops" I reach for my phone.

"Awe, your gonna call the cops" he pushes his bottom lip out, "im so sad"

I roll my eyes, "what do you want" another one of his guys walks forwards, this one is maybe late 30s and in a black suit and purple tie.

"You" he says before his guy lunges forwards to grab me, I slap him as another one comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist. I elbow him in the face, he drops one arm from me and covers his face.

The one I slapped turns to the green haired guy then back to me, anger fills his eyes as he punches me. My head turns to the side from the force from his punch. It catches me off guard enough for the one who grabbed my waist pulls a cloth from his pocket and puts it over my nose and mouth. I fight against it but he holds it firmer and tights his grip around my waist.

My eyes start to grow heavy and the last thing I see before it all goes black is the man with green hair.

 The Joker.

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