✧ Society ✧

49 2 14

Laughter filled the air. Streets full of people doing their daily routine. Walking to work, buying groceries, picking their children up from school.

Aelia is walking down that street too. Together with her two best friends, Mika Salk and Lilly Berg. All of them just came out of school.

Aelia Casito, she and her friends all are in 6th grade, living in Georgia.

„Come on guys! You've got to come! You both don't actually have to watch the soccer game! Only sit around, I swear!" Mika said pleadingly. His dad was making a small party around the neighborhood because the soccer league was taking place at the moment and their team was winning.

„No! Geez Mika! We don't want to come to some boring soccer party! Boorrringg!" Lilly retorted.

„What about you, Ali? You wanna come, right?" He asked hopefully, addressing Aelia.

„Yeah sure!" she said with a smile. „Could be fun!" she went closer to Mika and whispered, „We will just have to drag Lilly along."

All the kids giggled and laughed at that statement.

Suddenly, a very loud noise came by them. It was the noise of an ambulance, rushing to the next hospital in full speed.

„I wonder what happened." Lilly said quietly.

Aelias eyes followed the vehicle, now already far away, the noise fading.

„Yeah.... Me too."

Eventually they parted their way to go to each of their houses.


Aelia is in her room, humming softly to the music she is listening to. She is doodling on her math paper, rather than actually doing her homework. Her room consists out of a kid sized bed, which had toys on it, posters of tv shows hanging on the purple walls, a desk and very small sofa.

Suddenly, the electricity went out.

Ough. She thought.

This happened pretty often in the last few days.

She hears the laughter and giggles from her baby brother just outside the door. She had it open so she would be able to hear him, in case anything happened.

Her little brother, Milo. Just like her, he had white hair and green eyes. It ran in their moms family. She and him looked almost exactly alike, only that she was almost 13 years old, and he was 5. And the gender, obviously.

Then, the ringing of her phone was heard.

Another interruption of her peace.

She picked up the call which showed the name "Mom" on the screen, while walking outside the room to see her brother sitting on the floor with a horse toy in hand.


„Aelia, honey, is your brother with you?" Her moms voice sounded worried.

„Uhm.. yes? He's right here."

„Okay, sweetheart. I need you to stay in the house and not go outside. Keep an eye on your brother and wait until me or your daddy gets home."

„Okay. Uhm, I wanted to ask if I could go to Mika's later? His dad is-" Aelia was worried. Her mom sounded nervous and hectic.

„Yeah, hun, sure. Just- Just stay inside for now. I love you."

The call ended abruptly and Aelia turned to her brother, going to pick him up.

He was worried, asking what was going on when he saw the nervous look on his sisters face. Aelia quickly mouthed that everything was alright, even tho she wasn't sure about that herself. She then walked in her room with him.

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