✧ No more society ✧

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Hearing muffled voices, she slowly woke up. The vibrating of the car engine she had fallen asleep to was now extinct, replaced by quiet stillness of the car. Opening her drowsy eyes, she saw that the truck is standing on a street filled with a traffic jam. Milo was asleep next to her and her dad wasn't in the car.

She rose up, her white hair messy. But she wasn't in sleep mode anymore as she saw all the scared people on the road.

Aelia got out of the car, going into the crowd. Children, women and men were all outside or inside their cars. A few cars further, she could see her dad talking to a woman, so she went to him.

„Dad?" She asked confused.

He turned to her and took her hand, as if to not loose her.

„Aelia, this nice woman is Miss Jenderson. She gave me some water and donuts for us, isn't that nice?" He said expectantly.

She nodded and smiled at the woman. „Thank you very much!"

The woman smiled warmly and said that they were welcome. The same smile that her mom always gave her.

Where was her mom? She wasn't here. She said she'd meet them here.. didn't she? Aelia walked back to the car with her dad, her hand in his.

Dad, where is mom?"

Her father turned to her and his hand went to ruffle her hair reassuringly. „She has to be here somewhere. Don't worry. I'll look for her."

„You promise?" Her dad always kept his promises. Every single one of them. So she had to ask him..

„I promise." she said with a squeeze of her hand.

„You don't have to worry, sweetheart. The military set up a refuge camp in the city. We're going there and we will be safe there, 'kay?" As she nodded he smiled at her and brought her back into the truck.

Milo woke up as well, and he looked excited at seeing the food.

He tapped his chest and then signaled with open hands in clawing shape that he was pulling something towards him. After that he pointed at the donuts.

Sign language, saying „I want the donuts."

His dad signaled back „okay". Their dad gave him the food and Milo happily turned away, eating.

All of them were fluent in sign language because Milo was deaf since birth. When she looked at her brother, she let out a small huff and a quiet thank you as she got water and food as well.

———————Ten hours later———————

After about a day of waiting, they finally made it into the city. The camp was filled with worried people, baby's crying, tents, soldiers and crowded, tight spaces. She didn't like it at all. And the worst part, they still didn't find their mom. But they had medical care here and necessary things. They also were homed in a small tent themselves.

But her question stayed in her head. Why? Why was all this necessary? What was even happening that got everyone so scared? No one told her.

After asking her dad, he simply said that people were getting sick. And that she wasn't allowed to let any of the sick people near her. That didn't really answer her question fully, but it was something.

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