❃ Scarf ❃

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This chapter is a bit shorter than the others, I apologize.

But also, THANK YOU FOR 70 VIEWSSSS! This story is starting off slow, but I'm so happy with that number already.


Soft humming filled Aelia's ears yet again. She was in the lap of her mother, being rocked. She smiled at her Mom, nestling her head on her chest. She had just woken up from a very bad dream after all, so her mother was singing to her. A song she always sang to her.

„No matter wheeeere you are, I'll hooooold you close..."
„No neeeeeed for fear.. Iiiii am here.."
„You shiiine as bright, as anyyyyyy star..."
„No neeed for fear. Ohhhhh my dear."
„I'll hoooold you close."
„Oh my sweeeet Aelia.."

The continuing of humming was heard, a small huff leaving Aelia. Her mother ran a hand trough her hair.

„My sweet girl, why were you crying?"

„I- I had a bad dream, mommy." she sniffed. „You weren't there anymore. Nothing was as it was. Daddy left and you went missing."

„Oh.. baby. There's no need to cry." She continued to rock her daughter and pat her hair. „I'm here.. I never left."

Aelia sobbed. „I missed you so much."

Suddenly, her mother gently put a hand on her cheek, wiping away tears.

„You're so strong, my sweet girl. I'm with you."

She smiled down at Aelia. Her mothers soft blue eyes looking down at her, sparkling. Both of their white hair tangled in each other from cuddling so close. Aelia felt completely and utterly safe with her. She felt calm. And loved.

„Aelia... baby.. I'm sorry. Your friend.. you should see him."

She looked up at her mom, confused. Something felt off.

„Wake up."

Suddenly, Aelia opened her eyes. She was on the ground, on wood to be exact. Her gaze fell to the beautiful landscape before her. She was on the farm. A gentle hand on her back. It was Lori.

„Aelia, are you okay? I don't think it's best if you sleep out here on the floor." The woman asked gently. Aelia felt that she had watery eyes, and Lori looked worried. She wiped her eyes clean, looking away and nodded.

„I... Is Daryl okay?"

„He's awake. Beth and Maggie just made him some food. Do you want to see him?"

Aelia nodded and rose up. She missed her mom. She missed her so so much. Her heart ached for her and it was almost unbearable in that moment. She stood up, with the help of Lori's hand and walked inside the house. She went to the room where Daryl was supposed to be. As he saw them, he quickly pulled the sheets over his body.

His body was... full of scars...

„Ey.. yer alright?" He said at seeing the glassy eyes.

The girl just nodded quietly. „A.. are you okay..?" She was nervous. Worried. Scared.

„I've been betta." he grumbled.

Lori patted Aelia's shoulder and left the two alone. And Aelia's eyes welled up with tears. „Don't ever do that again!" She whined out and Daryl raised his eyebrows. „Don't scare me like that!" She sniffed.

Daryl pulled her closer with his hand, her head resting on the sheets.

„Ay.. it's alright." That's about the best he could do at the moment. He put his hand trough her hair, patting her head.

Aelia sniffled, looking at him. „Hey.. not the head.. don't ruin my braids."

Daryl grunted out a laugh and she smiled softly. Thank god he was okay.

Oh, that reminds me."

Daryl reached under the blanket to his pants, untangling the scarf from where he had put it. He pulled it out.

It was a bright red scarf, soft, with short strips of wool dangling along one side of it.

„It ain't a pink one. But I got it in a store, so it ain't belongin' to anyone, don't ya worry."

He held it out to her. Her mouth was slightly agape.

„After all, yer thirteen, no? Then yer need a scarf to go along with that age."

Aelia smiled. „You've got me a birthday present?"

Daryl shrugged his shoulders but Aelia went forward and hugged him. „Thank you, thank you, thank you!!" She excitedly took the clothing, putting it around her neck. She grinned widely, really happy about the present.


The rest of the evening was spent with Aelia showing off the scarf, Milo wanting one as well and everyone eating. Glenn and Maggie were acting strange tho and both of them left the house late at night, but she paid no mind to it. She was soooooo happy about Daryl being okay and that he got her the scarf.

The next day, everything seemed like up and down. Hope had been given to all of them because Daryl had found Sophia's doll, Rick, Shane and Beth's boyfriend making plans about where it could have come from. Lori had been acting strange though, and so had Glenn. He sucked at lying. And he was a nervous, obvious, lying wreck the moment she saw him. She didn't know why though.

But everything seemed alright again the moment Glenn handed her a peach. She gladly ate it.

„It's soooo tasty!"

Just then, Carl walked up to her. He seemed really well again, but guilty about something.

„Hey Cral," She looked at him, nosy about why he looked so down but happy at the same time. „What's up?"

„I just got scolded by my parents." He huffed. In that moment she was glad that her parents weren't here. They would have been mad at her for quite a lot of things by now. Especially about the Dr.Jenner thing.

„But hey! I'm gonna learn how to shoot a gun! I came here to ask if you wanted to come with us? Most people are going."

Aelia gasped slightly. „Gun training.." She thought for a moment. She knew last time she held that gun to a human. But after that, she had felt very sick about it. „I don't know Carl...."

„Hey! We will grow up! We are old enough to help the group already! Don't you want to help look for Sophia as well? Come on. You'll be able to protect yourself and others!"

She listened to her friends words of determination and nodded. „Okay.."

A few moments later, everyone was in the cars. Well, everyone except Daryl, who still needed rest, Glenn, Dale and Milo. He was too young to participate, she decided. No one was there to decide for her, but it was still her duty to make decisions for her little brother now.


Word count: 1063

- With love, Hewaga


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