❃ One ❃

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Heyoooooo guyssss ;p. How are ya? Now maybe your wondering if she will meet the others again, but that you will have to find out! ^^

Tho I promise, she will meet twd characters again. So hang in there! :]

———————A few months, six weeks and one hour after the farm———————

„You said you had a plan." James glared at Tom as they walked trough dense woods. They were overgrown and the two men could barely even get trough. Walking for hours straight had both of them on edge. „Doesn't look much like a plan to me, Tom."

„Do you have a better one? I mean, who's fault is it that we fell into that damn river?" The man, in his 30s and brown, short, stubble hair uttered.

Tom was the older one, James on the other hand was only in his 20s. He had blonde hair and a small, blonde beard starting to grow.

James felt anger come trough him. He may have been the one that fell into the stream, but Tom was just as guilty for being too stubborn to ask the others for help. „Ay! Don't give me that crap! You should have just asked the others to help with setting up the tents!"

„Shhh!" Tom suddenly shushed him and pointed towards the bushes. There was a ghost town! They had finally made it to some damn shelter. He quickly started to get out of the woods, but he felt a hand pulling his shoulder back.

James pointed at the street.

What.." the two men said in union, „the hell..?"

Both of their eyes drifted to two figures walking on the rubble and broken street. The first thing that fell into their eyes was a very bright color of red.. a.. scarf? They were two people with white hair. A girl and a boy. Kids..? And they were entering a building with a bright yellow storefront sign saying "OVS".

———————A few months and two days after the farm———————

„Hold it higher." She signed to her brother. „It's no use if you don't hit the head."

It has been a few months since the incident on the farm. Aelia and Milo hadn't found the others.

The siblings had been trough a lot in that time, needing to learn how to survive on their own. They had slept in broken buildings, in the gutter, in the woods, on roofs and even on trees. But the hardest thing was scavenging for food. They always needed it and for a long time, everything was about getting something to eat. That still was how it had to be.

A few weeks back, they had camped in a library for a few days. And Aelia had assigned herself the mission to learn as much as possible. She read books about building stuff, about guns, about other weapons, how to get clean water. How to survive. But she also had a book in hand, a book about torture. The only reason that she even took it was because what she had seen her father do. She needed to know what he had done.

But after reading a few things, she closed the book and then threw it into the campfire they had made to keep warm.

Right now, Milo and her were in the woods. They had found a small cabin and made it to a safe zone to sleep. At least until they ran out of food.

She grunted as Milo didn't even look at her hands, so she slowly reached to the underside of the barrel of the small hand gun, bringing it up to face the grass hill they used as target practice. Milo was young, only seven, but he needed to know how to use knifes and guns. That was basic survival and Aelia knew that maybe, she wouldn't be able to be with him some day.

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