✧ False sanctuary ✧

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————'✧。✮ ✮。✧ˋ————

Markus was pulling Aelia along. She had seen him. God damn it! She had seen him!

He was doing what was needed to and now she had seen him torture a man.

But that wasn't the worst thing.

She was dead. Stella, his wife. The mother of his children.

Dead. Gone.

No! He would not accept that. Never. He believed that she got away.

He knew he had to get Aelia and Milo somewhere safe soon. Because he was sure he would loose his mind and be a danger to them. Aelias protests were muffled by the ringing in his ears as he sneaked them back into camp. The entire way back was a blur, pulling his daughter along.

The soldiers were gonna bomb the city because there were too many dead. The dead were all in the damn city. They also had barricaded the exits out of the city and are guarding them. They weren't gonna get out. He would have to find them a safe building.

They arrived at their camp and Markus let go of his daughter, packing their belongings. Anything that may be needed.

„Dad?" Aelia asked

„We're leaving camp." Yes, they needed to get out of there as quickly as possible. Needed to find some secure building in the city. Needed to get safe. And then he needed to leave them when it was safe and look for his wife. She wasn't dead, he wouldn't accept it.

„What about all the others? What about all the people here? Wont they get hurt? What happened to mom?"

He turned to Aelia, seeing her scared, teary eyes. He went to her and grabbed her shoulders, gently. As if they weren't all bloody.

„These people, they would cause a panic and then we wouldn't get out. Do you understand? You can't tell anyone. And I'll find your mother. I promised, remember? You don't have to worry. That soldier was lying about your mom. I'm sure of it."

He could tell Aelia didn't believe him completely. But she slowly nodded.

„What did you do to the man.?" she asked, tears streaming down her face. But he didn't answer.

„Go get your brother."

————'✧。✮ Forty-seven minutes later ✮。✧ˋ————

Aelia held Milo's hand tightly, their dad pulling them to the fence of the camp.

Her dad was wearing a black T-Shirt, a white vest checkered with blue squares, brown trousers and black boots.
After guiding them under it, they ran in the city.

Suddenly, a person that looked really sick and made strange noises walked towards them. Her dad just stabbed the person in the head.

Oh my god! He just killed someone! What was her dad doing?!

She was terrified, but not sure of what or who. Probably of everyone but Milo..and he seemed shocked and scared as well. He probably didn't understand anything that was happening. He was so young, after all.

„Where are we going?" Milo signed with his hands, worry striking his face. But their dad was like hypnotized. Rushing them all forward. He wasn't the same dad they knew.

Aelia quickly signed back to her little brother. „To a safe place."

———————Twenty minutes later———————

They walked along the streets. Neither Milo or Aelia had any idea of what was going on or where they were going. But their dad seemed to know the way because guided them into a building. Passing clothes, jewelry and a cashier desk. He brought them down a stairwell and into the basement of the building. It was a hallway that had many doors attached to it. Opening one of the doors, they went down another stairwell and finally came into a room.

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