❃ Tom & James ❃

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———————A few months, six weeks and 55 minutes after the farm———————

Aelia and Milo were walking trough the woods, silence enveloping them. Not just Milo didn't speak, but Aelia as well. She hadn't interacted with her brother much in the last few days, just clutching his hand tightly. They needed to find new shelter.

They had been walking for a while, but this forest seemed endless.

Just then, Aelia spotted a tree line up ahead and something that looked like stone. A road! She smiled slightly, pulling Milo along. They surely would find shelter here, a few broken buildings gave them enough options.

The two of them strolled trough the streets. There weren't many walkers here, that was really good. And some of the buildings were still intact! A lot of them were already broken. Maybe this was a ghost town before the world went to shit?

Aelia chose one of the buildings, it had a bright yellow storefront sign saying "OVS". It was intact annähernd could see it had an accessible roof. She also needed new clothes, just like her brother. So that would be perfect!

„Come on, Milo."

She signed while looking down at her brother and he nodded. He looked very tired, having walked so much. She would make sure he would be able to rest soon.

The inside of the store was empty of dead and looked pretty much intact. There weren't many clothes, but they would do. She barricaded Milo in the corner of the store, pushing anything she could find there to make some sort of wall. A desk, a wardrobe. It would have to do. She put down her backpack next to Milo and gently made him sit down.

„I'm gonna go and search for supplies."

His face fell and he looked worried. „Don't leave me here alone."

The reassuring smile that she held faltered. An image of the words she had told her dad returning to her head. But she gently shook those thoughts away. „I'm not gonna be gone for long, here." She pulled out her gun and held it in her hand for a moment, debating if this was actually a good idea. She then held it out towards him and pointed to a little button.

„This is the safety. Push it away and then you can shoot. You will be safe." She smiled at her brother and he nodded, hesitantly taking the weapon.

He still looked scared, not wanting her to go. He bolted forward, wrapping his arms around her. Her expression was one of shock, but then her arms snaked around him as well.

They stayed like this for a few moments, before she untangled herself from his embrace and made her way outside of the store.


Aelia was rummaging trough the buildings. Every drawer, every shelf and every corner was checked. And she had only encountered two walkers, which were trotting trough the town.

This place seemed to be pretty safe.

And her search was a success as well! In a drawer she had found two protein bars and there was a river nearby. She replenished two water bottles after checking if it was safe to drink.

She was walking back to the store where she had left Milo.

This place actually is safer than a lot of camps we had yet. And we have enough water. Plus, im sure I'll find more food, there are so many buildings left that I haven't searched yet. Maybe we can stay here for a while.

She smiled to herself. The thought of not walking for a while sounded extremely pleasant. She was sure Milo wound be happy about that too.

The rubble wagered under her feet as she walked over a ruin of a building, just before entering the OVS store. She looked behind her and let her guard down, but when she heard a voice.. her heart stopped.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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