❃ Grounded ❃

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I decided that y'all didn't get to know Milo that much. So this chapter will be 50% about him.
Only Milo, Milo, Aelia and Aelia.

This chapter also is a bit longer again.

————'✧。✮ ✮。✧ˋ————

Milo is walking down the stairs in the house, holding his horse toy in his hands. He had forgotten in in Maggie's room after playing with her.

Silence enveloped him. No sounds at all. Technically not even silence. Just nothing.

He didn't know anything else.

He smiled, looking at his favourite toy in the whole wide world. It was a hobbyhorse toy, the plush animal being brown with white spots.

Hershel wasn't in the house, so he wasn't worried about walking into him. In fact, he wasn't even on the farm. He also hadn't seen Beth that much anymore. Rick, Lori, Glenn and Shane were suddenly gone as well. He didn't understand most things happening, like that shooting at the barn. But it's not like anyone ever told him anything.

He walked out the house and onto the porch. There he saw his sister. She was sitting there on the wood, all alone. She looked sad, so he slowly walked up to her. He tapped her on her shoulder, a worried and questioning look on his face. He moved his hands, fluently, it was natural to him.

„What's wrong?"

His sister moved her lips in a pointy way. She always did that while thinking. He didn't mind, it was always funny. It made him smile. But he was one of the only people who noticed.

„Rick and Glenn are looking for Hershel. And Daryl didn't allow me to go with them. I wanted to help."

Aelia was fuming, he could tell. „He grounded you, remember?"

His sister nodded. But he could tell that wasn't the thing bothering her. Since they saw Sophia going out of that barn.. she had changed, she wasn't acting as happy and energetic. And it had really scared him. Seeing his sister in so much blood, but he was glad when he found out that it hadn't been her own.

He slowly walked closer to her, sitting down next to her. His fingers moved with him barely thinking about it.

„Where do you think they are?"

He gestured towards the photo his sister was looking at. A picture. A family picture.

A wave of sadness overcame him, seeing the face of his mommy and daddy. He felt a tap on his shoulder.

„They are out there. Dad most likely found mom by now." Aelia signed.

„And now they are trying to find us?"

His sister paused. An uncertain look in her eyes. „I don't know."

Both of them let their hands drop. Looking at the family picture of them. It was one where Milo was still a baby, Aelia very little. It was one with their big brother on it. Mark.

„Remember when mom dropped the flour while baking, and we couldn't see if we got it out of our hair because it was both so white?" Milo suddenly signed, taking the attention of Aelia. She smiled slightly and he could see her mouth move. She was laughing, making him smile.

She tapped his shoulder, teasingly. „Remember when dad accidentally let the pan fall on his foot? He couldn't walk for days and we had to bring him everything."

„Oh yeah, that was annoying." Milo giggled. In his ears, just silence. But Aelia smiled, a sparkle entering her eyes.

Aelia stopped for a moment, then started to sign. „You know, I remember when you were born. Mark and I were so nervous."

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