❃ Farm ❃

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„Hmmmmhmm.. hmmhmhm.. hmmmhmm... hmhm."

Soft humming filled her ears. The sounds of birds filled her ears. The wind in the grass filled her ears.

Her head was pulled back, being calmed by gentle hands. Her eyes only seeing darkness, yet it was no bad one. It was relaxing. A calm darkness.

„Hmmmm.. hm.. hmhm.." The humming paused. „Aelia, what's your favourite hair style?"

The girl opened her eyes, slowly. Seeing a barn, a few people of her group walking round. The small camp in the trees, the warm sun shining down on them, fields and Milo playing. Her gaze turned backwards, her hair still held by gentle hands. By a girl, named Beth.

They had come to a farm a few days ago. Carl had been shot, which had worried her, but he recovered. Luckily for him. But what was also affecting her nerves was that Sophia had gone missing. But for all she knew he was being taken care of. The Greene daughters had been so nice to her, and their farm felt like a safe haven. Aelia smiled at the young, blonde girl.

„Can you make me braided pigtails, Beth?"

„Sure. I've got it." She smiled at the child and started to part the white, full hair. „You have such pretty hair, Aelia." Beth smiled while putting her hair in braids.

„I really like your hair too, Beth!" Aelia said in an excited and admiring tone.

She continued to sit on the porch with the young Greene, watching Milo play with Maggie, the other daughter of Hershel. He was holding his horse toy close while she showed him actual horses.

After a few minutes, Beth patted her shoulders. „There, all done. Lets get a look at you!"

Aelia turned around and Beth gave a thumbs up. „My best work yet. Go, go, have fun."

She smiled widely and jolted up, running to the horses, yelling a "thank you" towards Beth. Running up to her brother, she stared at the animals in awe.

„Woahhhh! I missed seeing horses!"

Maggie chuckled and patted her head.

„Hey! Hey! Not the head! I don't want the braids to get all fuzzy!" Aelia pouted and the woman laughed.

„Okay okay, I really like them as well."

Milo smiled excitedly and signed towards Aelia.

„I really like your hair! And look! Look!"

He pointed happily to the horse and Aelia nodded. Maggie leaned down towards them, ushering them closer.

„Do you wanna ride one?"

Both children smiled widely after Aelia had translated, nodding.


After about thirty minutes, Aelia ran towards the camper, happy about riding.

„Hey, hey. Calm down there, Peppy. What got ya all excited?" The old man asked while, getting out of the vehicle.

„Dale! Dale!" She grinned happily. „I just rode a horse! Can you believe it?"

„Oh yeah, that was really nice of the lady to show you. And look at that, I love your hair."

Aelia almost jumped off excitement. She was so happy.

„Wait, Dale! You have a calendar, right? I saw Hershel give you one just yesterday !What date is it?"

The man thought and went in the camper, checking the date and calling out to her from inside. „It's the 18th of March in uhhhh.. 2011?"

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