✧ Jim ✧

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This chapter will be shorter than the ones before due to me not having much time atm. But for that there will be an earlier upload than usual.

Aelia was drawing with Sophia and Milo for a few minutes now.

Sophia smiled and pointed at Milo's drawing of a dog holding a stick in his mouth.

„That's cute!" she said, which earned a signed „thank you" from Milo. Aelia translated between them the entire time. Though all of them turned to the other people as they heard yelling. They were holding a man, Jim back and Daryl ran forward, pulling the guys shirt up.

A ugly, red bite mark showed up, still fresh. Carol came up to the kids, shushing all of them. „Come on, come to the others. Lets not stay here so far from the others, hm?"

———————A few minutes later———————

Everyone was standing in a circle now, talking. And with everyone, the adults were meant. The children were all inside the camper, having to sit in there while they decided what would happen to Jim. It was so unfair! Why didn't they get a say in this? She and Milo hadn't been with them long, but Sophia and Carl knew Jim! And so dienten other kids in this camp.

Why did they have to deal with it anyway? Was it even a problem? He was bit, but she still didn't know what that meant yet.

All she could make up from the conversation outside was Daryl shouting around, Rick yelling and shocked gasps coming from the others. And of course, arguing.

But right now, she was holding up a conversation with Milo, as he suddenly signed.

„Is he going to be okay? What happened to him?"

„I don't know. But I'm sure they will find a solution. They knew him longer than we did. But I don't understand the problem here."

Milo shook his head slightly. „Something's different. You have to see it. No one is acting like we were used to. Not even dad was."

Aelia was quiet for a moment and Milo had an apologetic look on his face. Suddenly Lori, Carls mom, and Shane came inside the vehicle.

„Okay, guys. We are finished out there. But we need the room in here for Jim, alright?" The woman said and held her held out her hand for her son.

Aelia translated everything for Milo, taking his hand and taking him to the car where all of their stuff was still inside. It was already packed in two backpacks, so they wanted to get it inside the tent they were sleeping in now. As they got out of the car, she saw the blonde woman, Andrea, and the old man, Dale, talking to each other. Sitting over the woman's sister who had sadly passed yesterday.

They arrived at the grey car and Aelia got their bags out of it.

„Why are they so worried?" Milo suddenly asked.

„They want to help their friend. I want to help him too. But they don't know how, I think." she thought for a moment and got down to his eye level. „I'm sorry for getting you into danger yesterday. I shouldn't have pulled you out. I'm sorry."

„No, it's okay. You were scared. I was too."

She nodded and hugged her brother. He spoke so grown up for a five year old. She was just scared for him and for herself at the moment. But it was just like Daryl had told her.

She will do whatever is necessary to protect him.


Everyone was up the hill, standing in a line. Sorrow filling their faces. Everyone was burying their dead, feeling the loss of loved ones.

Everyone but Aelia.

She had snuck away from everyone, heading for the camper. No one had told her what exactly was even going on in this world! City's we're getting bombed, people's heads bashed in, rotting things walking around. She was already 12 years old! Shouldn't she be allowed to know?

So she creeped up to the vehicle, her knife in her hand. She slowly entered the camper while already heading a mumbled "No" over and over again.


The man's head snapped towards Aelia, and she slightly smiled. He was sweating and hand a bandage around his chest. That's where he had been bitten.

„Oh.. h- h- hey there.. little lady. What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be with the others.. it's not good out here alone.."

His head was swaying around as if he was looking for something.

„But I'm not alone, you're with me."

At seeing her determinant face, he let out a breathy laugh. „Yeah..ye- yeah.. you're probably right. D- Do you need anything..?"

„I.. everything is changing around me. I'm the last few weeks, nothing had been as it was. But I can't even tell what it is. No one told me, ever. Not a real answer, at least." she looked up in his eyes. „Please tell me what happened here."

Jim's eyes widened. „Ah.. really? Uff.. well. I guess it's best if you know.., huh?" he looked out the window and back to her, seemingly lost.

„So, you see. These things we call walkers, these were people. A few weeks ago, they started to attack us. People get bit, they die. But they don't really... die. They come back as one of those things.. you see?"

Aelia took a few steps back. What? People dying? Coming back? That's impossible! No... what if something happened to dad? What if that happened to mom!?

„H-Hey Aelia.. can you- can you give me some water? Please? I'm thirsty and hot." He stuttered out and she hurried to the man, slowly giving him to drink from the water bottle next to him on the table.

He suddenly smiled at her, patting her shoulder with shaking hand. „Hey, don't worry.. you and your little brother.. you're with us now. Okay? We'll take care of you. You're not alone."

Word count: 971

Hey! Like I said, this chapter was short. I would love to hear that you liked it anyway! Even if you didn't, feel free to give me feedback!   

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