✧ A goodbye is always hard ✧

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Again, due to time issues I will make this and the next chapter shorter. But I will upload the two of them today. I soon will be able to make regular chapter again, I swear.

I would also very much appreciate it if you would help this story by voting for it or giving me feedback.


Everyone was standing outside the cars, listening to Shane explain the plan for the drive.

„Everybody listen up. Those of you with C.B.s, we're gonna be in channel 40. Lets keep the chatter down, okay? Now you got a problem, don't have a C.B., can't get a signal or anything at all, you're gonna hit your horn one time. That'll stop the caravan. Any questions?"

Everyone was quiet, but Morales stopped that silence. „We're, uh... We're... we're not going."

Aelia gasped, all the people of the camp just as shocked. But he, his wife and his children wanted to search for the family they had left. And she understood that. Rick gave the man a gun and a half full box with something in it that she couldn't see. That seemed to really annoy Daryl, because he scoffed and turned to look away.

Lori got up from the car and walked to Miranda who looked sad to leave. „Thank you all... For everything." she said and then hugged Lori. They all said their goodbyes and some hugged.

But Sophia seemed deviated, crying as her friend, Eliza, handed her a doll. Aelia made sure that Milo was seated in the car and then went to Sophia. She took her hand and smiled at her reassuringly and waved goodbye to the leaving family.

„Come on Sophia, Aelia. Lets go to the car, okay?" Carol spoke while ushering them to the vehicle gently.

Before entering, she saw Rick write a note and put in on one of the broken cars they were leaving behind. A note? For who? Was he waiting for someone?


They had been driving for a bit now and Sophia still seemed sad. Aelia nudged the girl with her shoulder.

„Hey Sophia. I get it, really. I'm also apart from my friends."

She sniffed. „Really? Where are they?"

„I don't know. When we had to leave because all this started, I couldn't find them. But I'm sure they are alright! I'll see them both again and then we'll never be apart. Ever!"

Carol smiled at Aelia for trying to make her daughter feel less sad. And it seemed to work. Sophia looked at Aelia, smiling slightly.

„Yeah... I guess...Can you tell me about them?"

„Well first, there is Lilly. She's a very pretty girl! She has black hair and is super smart! It was almost as if she never had to study. She just knew it. She also always made me paper crowns for my birthday. Each year an original one!" Aelia was almost beaming with bride, smiling.

„And my other best friend is Mika. He's been one of my neighbors since forever! He loves soccer and always made me watch the matches with him. He's really cool, I think he would like you!"

Sophia smiled at her, and the two girls continued talking.


The cars came to a halt. Apparently, the campers hoe broke and without it, they couldn't continue driving. Shane and T-Dog went to search an old gas station for a replacement while Rick checked on Jim.

As soon as Rick entered the car, telling him that they would be going again soon, he grunted.

„Oh no. Christ... My bones... My bones are like glass. Every little bump... God, this ride is killing me. Leave me here. I'm done. Just leave me. I want to be with my family."

At his words Rick's face striked with worry and confusion.

„They're all dead. I don't think you know what you're asking. The fever... You've been delirious more often than not."

Aelia was outside the vehicle. She wanted to check on Jim as well, but now heard their conversation and Jim's whining groans.

„I know. Don't you think I know? I'm clear now. In five minutes I may not be. Rick, I know what I'm asking. I want this. Leave me here. Now that's on me. Okay? My decision. Not your failure."

Rick sighed and walked outside the car. As he left it, he saw Aelia standing there. She must have heard them because she looked worried.

„Are we just going to leave him?" She wanted him to tell her that the weren't. They wouldn't. But he just sighed.

„It's what he says he wants."

Everyone outside the car started talking, arguing again. They all got loud until Lori interrupted the argument.

„It's not your call, either one of you."


Now, she and Milo were with the rest of group, standing around Jim. Shane and Rick had carried him up the hill and helped him to lean against a tree.

Jim groaned but did his best to smile at them because he could see their sad faces.

„Hey, another damn tree." He chuckled weakly, referring to the time Shane had to refrain him against a tree for not being himself. Sophia had told Aelia that it had worried her. Shane leaned down to the man, sighing.

„Hey, Jim... I mean, you know it doesn't need to be this."

„No. It's good. The breeze feels nice."

„Okay. All right."

Everyone was sad, saying goodbye to Jim. Jacqui seemed the most hurt. She kissed him on the cheek and wiped away a few tears. Everyone went back to the cars, only Daryl and Aelia remaining. He nodded at Jim, not knowing what to say. But Aelia could tell that it was affecting him as well, even just the slightest bit.

Now, only Aelia stayed, looking at the man against the tree.

„Hey, kiddo. Why are you still here?" He smiled at her.

„I wanted to thank you. I know you didn't know me that long but.. you still helped me understand this mess. I'm sorry it had to be like this, Jim."

„That's okay... I'll be with my family again."

Aelia went forward and untied a bracelet she had on her wrist. Getting on her knees, she carefully tied it around his instead. „I made this a few years ago. It's one of my favorite ones. I want you to have it."

Jim smiled and ruffled her hair.

„Thanks, kid. You take care now."

She nodded and went back to the car where Carol, Milo, Sophia and Carl were waiting for her in the backseat.

Word count: 1036

Honestly, I totally forgot he existed-
My friend who is watching twd for the first time said smth about Jim dying and I was like „Jim?"
Anyway, a sad death.

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