✧ Bonding time ✧

18 1 0

Aelia was asleep on a chair, not dreaming anything, but getting the rest she needed. All camp members had gotten together in a small circle. Since they got attacked by all those walkers, people had become more wary and wanted to stick together.

She was woken up by T-Dog gently shaking her, and she opened her eyes to see Rick, Shane and Dale coming back from their walk in the woods. Shane got into the center of the circle, getting everyone's attention.

„I've been, uh... I've been thinking about Rick's plan. Now look, there are no... There are no guarantees either way. I'll be the first one to admit that. I've known this man a long time. I trust his instincts. I say the most important thing her is we need to stay together. So those of you that agree, we leave first thing in the morning."

He paused and looked around. „Okay?"

Everyone started to talk, chatter. Either discussing this with their family or simply thinking. She let herself slide from the camping chair and went to Milo. Using sign language.

„They want to leave."

Milo's face striked with confusion. „What? Where? Why?"

„They think it will be safer there. And that they can help their friend there." She paused, looking around the camp. Seeing all those people, their faces. Her gaze returned to Milo. „Do you want to go with them?"

„I'm going with you." He looked around and pointed at Sophia. „Can I play with her before we leave?"

She sighed, looking at Carol. Taking Milo's hand, they walked over to the woman.

„Hello, Carol. Can Milo play with Sophia? I know this may be a bad timing but.."

„No, it's okay, Aelia. I'm sure Sophia would love to spend time with your brother." Carol smiled, but she could tell that it wasn't a genuine one.

Just then, she saw Daryl pulling his crossbow over his shoulder and starting to walk away. Aelia hurried after him, yelling to get his attention.

„Hey! Daryl! Where are you going?"

What if he's going to leave? He wouldn't just do that? Right? He wouldn't leave? Not like this? Without saying goodbye? He saved me and Milo! No! No! Please don't leave Daryl!

Daryl turned around to see a worried Aelia sprinting after him.

„I ain't leavin' for long. I was gonna head out in the woods to get more food. Need it for the drive."

She sighed in relief and reluctantly spoke, her hands nervously fidgeting with each other.

„Can.. Can I maybe come with you?"

„Nah! No way! I ain't gonna take a noisy little girl out there in the woods."

„Please! I wont chatter too much! I promise! I'm part of this group now! I wanna help!"

Daryl looked at her for a moment, an expression on she couldn't read. He turned around and started walking away. Disappointment filled her features. But as she looked at him he waved his hand in a gesture for her to come.

She smiled happily and ran after him, following his lead into the woods.


Daryl and Aelia were now walking in the woods. She was trying to keep up with him, but he didn't seem to want to talk and was walking fast.

„You're too loud." He stated and she pouted. He looked at her. „And you're holding you're knife wrong."

She groaned. „Hey! Don't be so mean!"

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