❃ Fire and Walkers! ❃

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Sorry guys, this chapter will kinda be jumpy. I'll skip a lot between the times because it's needed.
Also, this will be the longest chapter yet. Around 2500 words! :D


Randall fell back against the wooden wall of the barn. His face was bleeding, as for Daryl was punching it again and again.

The boy was on the floor, whining.

„I told you..."

„You ain't told me shit!"

„I barely knew those guys! I met them on the road!" he panted. But Daryl looked really pissed. He slowly slid out his knife, taking it in his hand.

„Uh.. no, no, no, no, no. Come on.. man." he tried to bed. But Daryl bent down, ripping off the tape on the wound on the boys leg, which served as bandages.

„How many in your group?"

Randall whined as Daryl started to cut into his old wound.

„How many'?!" The redneck yelled at the boy, who was goddamn scared of him.

Aelia was just listing, on the upper side the barn. Daryl hadn't noticed her, thank god.

She was on the attic of the wooden structure, together with the hay. She was watching them, quietly. Every time Daryl punched the boy, who she had learned to be called Randall, or cut deeper into his wound, her eyes narrowed. It made her stomach churn. But not much.

She was picking up as much info she could. Another group of survivors were out there. They were about 30. Men, women, kids. And they had left Randall behind. Poor boy. She pitied him, since she knew the feeling of being left. She couldn't imagine how it was for him, how he felt.

The two continued talking. The boy was at the point of talking about his group, how only the men scavenged or got out of the campsite. Which honestly, confused Aelia immensely and was already giving her a red flag.

„But we go out, scavenge, just the men. One night, we... We found.. this little campsite."

Aelia gulped quietly.

„A man and his two daughters... Teenagers, you know? Real young."

He paused.

„Real cute."

The girls eyes narrowed. Ew. This is disgusting. She würfelt her stomach turn again and her breath deepening. She was starting to really dislike this Randall guy.

„Their daddy had to watch... while these guys, they... And they didn't even kill him afterwards. They just... They just made him
watch as his daughters..." Randall paused again, sniffling as his nose bled together with his mouth. „They just left him there."

The entire time, Daryl was staring him down, slowly turning towards him. Aelia could see even from this far away. She could see the anger and pure disgust in his face. And as Randall finally saw that too, he started to stutter.

„No, but... But I didn't touch those girls! No, I swear I didn't...!"

But Daryl was already storming forward, kicking the boy, making him fall to the side. The sound of his pleading and Daryl's punches.. it was all enough for Aelia. She slowly creeped back to the ladder, climbing out of the window of the barn, her feet landing on the grass outside.

But instead of leaving before Daryl found her, she waited. She waited at the front of the barn. And eventually, Daryl came out.

He froze, staring at her. His knuckles were bloody, his face annoyed. But not at her.

„What are ya doin' ere?" he asked reluctantly.

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