✧ Chapter 10 ❃

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Aelia was in the room with the other children, reading a book. She heard a quiet knock on the door and she turned her head to the noise. It was Daryl, seemingly having taken break from the drinking. He looked tipsy tho. If that's what you called it, not like she knew that much about drinking stages.

The man muttered something and gestured for her to get out of the room.

What did he want?

She rose up and went to him. He closed the door, separating them and the other children. „Hey Daryl, what's up?" She asked and he grunted.

„What's up? What's up?!"

She immediately formed and her eyes widened. What..? Why was he mad... oh no.. she didn't want him to be mad..

„W- what..."

„Shut yar mouth. Earlier, you tried to run away. You took yer brotha and tried runnin' away!"

She backed away from him, worried. „I-"

„Yer could have died! Damn it! It's just like last time when yer ran out of the car in camp! You risked yer and yar brothas live!"

Her lip quivered. „I- I was scared!" she tried to defend herself but still felt her heart sink. Her eyes getting teary.

„Scared? Oh please, girl. Do you see me runnin' away? Just because of scary situations?" he slurred loudly, using the word "scary" in a mocking tone.

But as he saw tears falling down her cheek, he stopped. She sniffed, but held her head up. As if she was forcing herself to look him in the eyes. A normal kid would have looked away. And she didn't look like a special brave kid.

„I'm sorry!" She sobbed out, holding her composure even as tears streamed down her face. He was flabbergasted. She looked like a little soldier.

Daryl stared at her. Shit. Fucking GREAT Daryl! He groaned and looked away.

„Hey, kid... I..I ain't thinkin' like that.. it's just the alcohol. I'm a bad drunk."

Bad drunk? Good excuse Daryl. He scolded himself. She sniffled again and he looked at her, a bit ashamed.

„Yer could have died."

She nodded. She understood. She was so stupid. Why would she ever risk her brother life like that? Or her own? Or what if someone had come after her? She basically was a danger to everyone at that moment! She-

But she was stopped from thinking as she felt a hand on her head. In her hair. Daryl's hand. All he didn't was rest his hand there. „Sorry." He said awkwardly.

„I'm sorry too." She whined.

„Promise me that ye will neva run away again."

„I promise."


Right now, Milo and Aelia were sitting in a cozy room. They wore comfortable clothes and smelled fresh. Turns out that this building still had hot water, and most of the group was still in the showers. Aelia was still a little bummed out because of her conversation with Daryl. So she was lying around on a sofa, unmotivated.

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