✧ Mister Dixon ✧

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They were all behind a wall, hiding in front of a building that kind of looked like a factory. It was strange for her to be outside after so long, it felt unsafe. She was uneasy and all she could think about was her mom and dad. And protecting Milo.

Aelia didn't pay them much attention. All she did way look at Daryl. She was watching him as if he was gonna do something horrible. She was scared of him, at least a bit. Since Daryl had pulled out that hand, she and Milo only stayed at T-Dogs side. Not going to Rick or Daryl.

The men were all talking while tying the boy they had captured up.

What exactly did dad do to that soldier? What is it called? It was horrible. But only that was we found out that they were gonna bomb the city. We wouldn't have survived otherwise.

Was.. was it good that he did that? It saved their lives... and Mister Dixon also scared the boy with that hand. She almost gagged at the thought of the limb. Otherwise we wouldn't have found the hideout of the guys who took Glenn..

„You sure you're up for this?" Ricks voice suddenly pulled her out of her thoughts.

„Yeah." T-Dog nodded. Milo signed something up to him and she translated.

„He's asking where you are going, T-Dog." Aelia asked slightly worried. She didn't want to leave T-Dog's side. He calmed her down, made her feel more safe. He had been less scary than the other men.

„I'm going up there to sni-„ He stopped and thought about his words. „I'm going up there on that roof to make sure Rick and Daryl have backup if needed."

Aelia quickly had a determined look on her face. „Then we're going with you!"

Rick, Daryl and T-Dog looked at each other for a moment and the young man seemed scared of the situation. Rick seemed unsure but shrugged his shoulders.

„Would be safer for them up there than down here." Daryl nodded at them as well.

Aelia nodded and they all went up the roof.

———————A few hours later———————

All of them were walking down the streets of the city.

Daryl, Rick, T-Dog, Milo, Aelia and Glenn. All of them were back together. Turned out that the people that took the Korean man weren't bad people after all and were only trying to keep elderly people safe. Rick also had given those people a few of his guns, which made him more liked by the Casito siblings.

They had found another working car, all of them huddled inside. The darkness outside made her feel uneasy but she also felt tired. She was really glad that no one was harmed today, but it was an event that she wasn't used to.

Conflict, guns, kidnapping. It all seemed so unfamiliar to her and her head was almost buzzing with questions. Milo was asleep in her lap, exhausted from everything that happened.

Her gaze fell on the trees grazing along the road, the stars and the grass that seemed so dark because there was no light on it. But her attention was pulled to the sudden sound of screams entering her ear. It seemed like everyone heard them, the men getting tense and worried. Rick sped up the car, entering a sight that shocked her.

People were running around, yelling. There was one man trying to bring everybody to a camper, yelling as well. There were a lot of sick looking people walking around, biting people or at least trying to with most. The men that just now had been sitting in the car, were now storming out with the guns they brought, shooting the sick people.

Aelia was filled with terror and her eyes were watery. They are killing all those people! They are killing them! It's just like my dad! They're all killers! They aren't good people! I need to get Milo away from them!

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