❃ Missing girl ❃

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Where is Aeliaaaaa?
Now you can find out. Have fun reading. ^^

————'✧。✮ ✮。✧ˋ————

The sun peeked through the trees, creating beautiful patches of light on the ground. A fresh smell of soil and morning dew filled the air, making her feel alive. The leaves gently moved, creating soft sounds that seemed to dance perfectly together with her every step of the horse. Among the tall trees, everything was quiet. Only the sounds of nature were heard, reminding her of the reason she was out here.

She needed to find Sophia.

She couldn't stop. She wasn't allowed to. They were already giving up on finding her. Even Carol. Her own mother! No. Aelia wasn't gonna loose Sophia. She was her friend. One of the best friends she had since the outbreak. And now they were supposed to just leave her behind? That wasn't gonna happen. She wouldn't let it.

She held the bridles close, her eyes searching the area. Daryl had found that doll in the river. So Aelia was following down stream, maybe it drifted down the water from there.

She's been out here for a bit now. At least half an hour. But she really didn't find anything. Nothing to be exact.

She couldn't go back just like that. She needed to find her friend.

The red scarf was slung around her neck, she was wearing a brown jacket Maggie had given her and jeans. She had also gotten Beth's old shoes, which made her feel like a cowboy.

She ushered the brown horse near the water, carefully guiding it near a tree. She jumped off, pulling out her water bottle. She had run out of water a few minutes ago, she didn't fill it up before leaving. So she bent down towards the water, replenishing her bottle.

She was humming quietly, closing the bottle up again. But before she could turn around, she heard a loud neighing from her horse. And then moans.

The brown animal panicked, quickly running away before Aelia could stop it. And with the impact, she fell backwards, right into the water.

She finally looked up, her eyes widening in terror. There was a group of walkers nearing her. At least a dozen or more. She tried to find her knife or her gun, but the watery sand made it hard to reach for them, mixing with her panic.


„Where the hell is that girl?!"

Daryl grumbled to himself. He had been pacing around the entire time. Rick was gone! Dale was gone! And Shane as well! Where the hell were they?!

Aelia was probably being eaten by some dumb fuck dead thing and he was just standing around!

„Daryl.. please calm down. I'm sure she's already on her way back." Carol tried to calm her down. She herself was feeling guilty. She was the person who had let Aelia out of her sight after all.

„Calm down? Hey now, woman! You listen to me, there ain't just only Sophia out there now! Now we've got two missing girls! How do you think Rick will take it? Or Shane? They were about to leave your girl behind! So Aelia ain't got no time!"

Carol looked away, quietly speaking. „I'll go pray for them.."

„Like that's gonna change anything! Nah. I'm going after that stupid girl myself!"


The leaves and sticks crunched under Aelia's feet. The trees now not so beautiful anymore, but serving as obstacles as she was fleeing. There were a lot of walkers. Too many of them. And she really did not have much experience with killing them. Why did she go out here alone?!

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