✧ The doctor ✧

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The sun hid itself behind clouds, the wind was dead and the at at atmosphere seemed dull. She couldn't help but think back to Jim. The trees passed by quickly as she looked outside the window. Carl was asleep, Carol was nervously tapping her fingers on her legs and gave sympathetic glances towards Aelia and Milo was showing his horse toy off to Sophia.

Suddenly, the cars came to a halt.

„We're here. Come on, baby. Come on children." Carol ushered them all out of the car.

A disgusting smell hit their noses and the buzzing of flies filled their ears. There were hundreds of dead, rotting body's everywhere on the floor. As long as they could see were rotting, dead corpses not moving.

Everyone stayed together, Aelia holding Milo's hand tightly while they held cloths, that T-Dog had given them, over their mouths and noses. Rick and Shane spurred everyone on, telling them to be careful and stay together, quietly. Walking along the body's, Aelia couldn't help but gag. Carol pushed her and Milo forward gently, telling them that it was okay and to keep going.

Reaching the building, they could see that the doors were locked down and shuttered. Shane pounded on the door but only the clatter of the metal responded. Everyone panicked. Suddenly, Daryl shouted and pointed at walkers closing in on them. He shot one of them in the head with his crossbow, yelling at Rick.

„You led us into a graveyard!"

Shane glared at him, defending Rick. „He made a call."

„It was the wrong damn call!"

„Just shut up. You hear? Shut up. Shut up! Rick, this is a dead end." Shane yelled, only attracting more walkers. But what did it matter now.

The argued again. They didn't have anywhere to go.

Aelia couldn't hear their voices anymore. All that she heard was her breath, her eyes wide. She had Milo behind her, who was crying, clutching her shirt.

Was she going to die? Was she going to die? No! She didn't want to die. She didn't want to! They needed to go! They shouldn't have come here!

Shane's voice pulled her attention. They all were still arguing. „Come on, let's go. Let's get out of here. Let's go. Please." As he saw Rick not saying anything, he took charge. „All right, everybody back to the cars. Let's go. Move."

But Rick tapped Shane's shoulder, pointing at a security camera on the door. „The camera... it moved."

„You imagined it."

„It moved. It moved."

„Man, just listen to me. Look around this place. It's dead, okay? It's dead. You need to let it go, Rick."

But suddenly, Rick ran to the doors, banging on the shutters, screaming. „I know you're in there. I know you can hear me. Please, we're desperate. Please help us. We have women, children, no food, hardly any gas left."

„Rick. There's nobody here." His wife pleaded but he just continued to pound on the door.

„Keep your eyes open. If you don't let us in, you're killing us! Please! Please help us. You're killing us! You're killing us! You're killing us!"

Aelia squeezed Milo's hand, her breath ragged. She was gonna run. Daryl's eyes widened as he saw the girl starting to take off and pulling her brother with her. But suddenly, the door to the CDC opened, drowning everyone in light.

Daryl grabbed Aelias shoulder, pulling her inside the building. Everyone ran inside the shelter, escaping the walkers. The redneck was just about to say something to the girl. He was obviously about to yell, angry. But Shane called his name just in time.

„Daryl, you cover the back. Watch those doors. Watch for walkers."

But they all stopped at seeing a man with a white rope and blonde hair. Everyone heard the sound of a gun cock, and the Casito siblings stayed behind Daryl. The man that looked like a doctor spoke.

„Anybody infected?"

Rick quickly answered the man's question, out of breath. „One of our group was. He didn't make it."

„Why are you here? What do you want?"

„A chance."

„That's asking an awful lot these days."

„I know."

„You all submit to a blood test. That's the price of admission."

Everyone glanced at each other and Rick nodded. „We can do that."

„You got stuff to bring in, you do it now. Once this door closes, it stays closed."


They had been in an elevator, walked along hallways and listened to the doctor talk. He also had turned out to be named Dr. Jenner.

Suddenly, they entered a dark room and Jenner raised his head. „Vi, bring up the lights in the big room."

The lights started to hum, beeping could be heard at the room was filled with light.

„Welcome to zone 5."

All of them had learned that the man was the only one here, Vi only being a computer. They also had to take a blood test which she refused at first because when seeing the needle, she got very nervous. But T-Dog somehow convinced her to do it, holding her hand through all the way. When Jenner finally said that he was all done, she sighed loudly.

———————Three hours later———————

After Dr. Jenner had heard that none of them had eaten in a while, he divided to make food for the entire group.

Now, Aelia found herself seated on a chair. A full plate infront of there. She was so happy that she even blushed, pretty much stuffing the food in her face with the fork. The group was talking and laughing. This was just what they needed. They hadn't been so at peace in a long time.

Suddenly, she hard one of the men hold up the red liquid.

„You know, in Italy, children have a little bit of wine with dinner."

„And in France." Someone else added. But Lori continued eating dismissively.

„Well, when Carl is in Italy or France, he can have some then."

„What's it gonna hurt? Come on." Daryl said and all the others chimed in as well. Dales booming laugh could be heard as he handed Carl a glass of wine.

„There you are, young lad."

Aelia watched Carl with curious eyes. He rose the glass to his face, slowly taking a sip from the fancy liquor.


All the adults laughed out loud, only Lori patted Carl on the back, proud. It made her miss her mom.

„That's my boy. That's my boy. Good boy."

But Carl simply pointed us tongue out. „Yuck. That tastes nasty." At his comments another round of laughter erupted.

„Hey! I want a taste!" She said into the room and Daryl held up the wine bottle. She took it and smelled it, not even drinking it.

„Utterly disgusting." She stated with a fancy toned voice, making the others laugh once more. But she didn't allow Milo to even get his hands on the bottle. Suddenly, Glenn stood up and wanted to walk away. But Daryl stopped him with a loud tone.

„Not you, Glenn. Keep drinking, little man. I want to see how red your face can get."

The laughing continued, mixing with the clinking of the glasses, each of them thanking their host with a loud "Booyah!".

Word count: 1213

This chapter didn't turn out as short as I thought it would. So, yay! Please vote and comment.


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