✧ A cop, a redneck and a korean ✧

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Daryl is on the floor, holding the back of his head. After being hit there by a certain someone.

„What the fucking hell, Girl?!" He grunted.

The girl with white hair immediately froze, scared. „I- I'm so sorry! I-„

Daryl got up and grabbed the metal rod out of her hand roughly, but as he saw how she raised her hand to protect her head, he stopped. He murmured something and put the girl's weapon securely in his belt.

Rick, Glenn and T-Dog ran down into the basement and trough the door, hearing Daryl's yell. Rick raised his gun, checking the room while calling his group member.

„Daryl?! Whats going on?"

But as he saw two scared children with an angry Daryl looming over them, he immediately hid his gun and glared at Daryl.


The two children were now sat upstairs in the kitchen. Daryl was pacing around, complaining. Glenn and T-Dog stood at the side while Rick talked to the girl and the boy.

„Okay you two. Can I ask your names?" Rick asked first.

The boy eyed the girl nervously, hiding behind her.

„I'm Aelia Casito, sir.. and this is my brother, Milo Casito." she answered nervously, avoiding eye contact. She thought that they were gonna be very very mad for hitting one of their men on the head....

„What were you two doing down in the basement? All alone?"

„Our father brought us down there because he said that they were gonna bomb the city.. so we stayed there since then." she said quietly.

Rick glanced at Glenn. And as if they were sharing the same thought, Rick turned back to the girl. „So, is your father coming back?"

Aelia didn't answer, so Milo was confused. He signed her the question if everything was okay, but didn't get an answer. The girl shook her head at Rick. Glenn sighed, Daryl grunted. T-Dog went towards the kids while Glenn, Rick and Daryl started talking.

„You did great, kiddos. Do you want some water? You must be thirsty." T-Dog aid to try and distract them.


Rick started talking first. „Their father isn't dead, the two of them would be sadder. Or at least more scared."

„Hey man, I think they are scared enough, no?" Glenn said. And Daryl commented on that. „Yeah, I think their paw left on account of all this mess. But even so, ain't nothin' alive in these parts no more."

„Are we gonna take them back to camp? We still need to find Merle and get the guns." Glenn added.

„Whateva, country boy, this here's takin' too long. Merle could be out there, like the asian said. We need to gefunden him." Daryl complained towards Rick.

„I told you, I'm Korean." Glenn glared at the redneck.

Suddenly, they heard the nervous voice of Aelia. „Uhm.. you're trying to find someone? I saw a redneck with a buzzcut and only one hand earlier."

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