| Establishing Trust

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The days that followed were a whirlwind of activity. Harry immersed himself in the inner workings of the Dark Lord's regime, learning the intricacies of their operations and strategies. Tom Riddle, ever the meticulous leader, personally guided Harry through the labyrinthine corridors of power.

One evening, after a particularly intense strategy session, Harry found himself alone with Tom in the war room. Maps and plans lay strewn across the table, illuminated by flickering candlelight.

"You're adapting quickly," Tom observed, his tone a mix of approval and curiosity.

Harry nodded. "I have to. If I'm going to be your second-in-command, I need to understand everything."

Tom's gaze lingered on Harry, a hint of something deeper in his eyes. "And what of your friends, your former allies? Have you truly severed all ties?"

Harry's expression darkened. "They won't understand. They can't see beyond their hatred for you. But I'm doing this for the greater good."

Tom stepped closer, his voice lowering to a conspiratorial whisper. "I believe you, Harry. But trust must be earned, not given freely. Even between us."

Harry met Tom's gaze, his determination unwavering. "Then I'll earn it."

Tom's lips curved into a rare smile. "Very well. There is a mission I need you to undertake. Consider it a test of your loyalty and capabilities."

Harry straightened, ready for whatever challenge lay ahead. "What is it?"

Tom handed Harry a sealed letter. "Take this to our allies in the Ministry. Ensure it reaches them without interception. This will be your first real test."

Harry took the letter, feeling the weight of its importance. "I won't fail."

As Harry left the room, he felt a mixture of anticipation and resolve. This mission would be his chance to prove himself, to solidify his place at Tom's side.

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