| A Union of Destiny

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The day of the wedding arrived, casting a spell of anticipation over Malfoy Manor. The grounds were adorned with flowers and enchantments, a tapestry of magic woven into every corner.

Tom and Harry stood together at the altar, surrounded by friends, allies, and a few wary observers. As they exchanged vows, their voices carried the weight of destiny, binding them not just in marriage but in purpose.

"I vow to stand by your side, in light and in darkness," Harry spoke, his eyes locked with Tom's, a promise etched in every word.

Tom's response was equally solemn, his gaze unwavering. "I vow to protect and cherish you, for as long as we both shall live," he vowed, sealing their union with magic and love.

The ceremony was a blend of tradition and power, witnessed by those who had doubted and those who had believed. As the newlyweds shared their first kiss, a surge of magic rippled through the gathering, a testament to the strength of their bond.

The celebration that followed was a testament to unity, with laughter and music filling the air. The Lestranges, once uncertain, raised their glasses in a toast, their loyalty now unwavering.

Tom and Harry danced under the starlit sky, their hands entwined, their hearts aligned. In that moment, they knew that together, they were destined for greatness.

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