| Shadows of Doubt

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The aftermath of the gathering lingered like a shadow over the manor. Tom and Harry, now back in the private chambers they shared, could feel the weight of unspoken doubts and hidden agendas pressing in.

Harry paced the room, his mind restless with thoughts of the night's events. "Did you sense it?" he asked, his voice tight with concern. "The unease among our allies?"

Tom watched him with a measured gaze, his expression unreadable. "There are always doubts and ambitions among those who seek power," he replied calmly. "Our task is to manage them, to ensure loyalty through strength and unity."

"But how do we know who truly stands with us?" Harry's frustration simmered beneath his words. "Bellatrix's toast was a show of support, but I sensed hesitation in many."

Tom approached him, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "We rely on actions, not just words," he said firmly. "Those who are truly loyal will prove themselves in the trials to come."

Harry nodded, though the uncertainty still lingered in his eyes. "And what of our plans? The wedding, the alliance with the Lestranges..."

"Our plans remain unchanged," Tom assured him. "The wedding will proceed as scheduled, a testament to our unity and strength. As for the Lestranges, they will fall in line or face the consequences."

The resolve in Tom's voice brought a measure of reassurance to Harry. They may face challenges and doubts, but together, they were a force to be reckoned with.

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