| Uniting Bonds

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As the days drew closer to the wedding, tension hung thick in the air of Malfoy Manor. Tom and Harry moved with purpose, their determination unwavering despite the whispers of dissent that echoed through the halls. They knew that their union not only symbolized their personal commitment but also the strength of their alliance.

In the grand hall, where shadows danced with flickering candlelight, the inner circle gathered once more. Tom's presence commanded attention, his eyes sharp as he surveyed the room. "We stand on the precipice of a new era," he began, his voice carrying authority. "Our unity is our greatest strength."

Harry stood by his side, radiating confidence as he spoke. "Together, we are unstoppable," he added, his gaze meeting each member's eyes with conviction.

The Lestranges, seated across the table, exchanged uncertain glances. Bellatrix, her usual fervor subdued by doubt, spoke up. "What of the challenges we face?" she questioned, her voice betraying a hint of apprehension.

Tom's expression softened slightly, a rare moment of empathy in his eyes. "Challenges will come, but our resolve must remain unbroken," he replied, his tone firm yet reassuring.

Rabastan Lestrange nodded, his earlier doubts tempered by Tom's words. "We stand with you," he declared, a pledge of loyalty that echoed through the hall.

The meeting concluded with renewed determination, the inner circle reaffirming their commitment to the cause and to each other. As they dispersed, whispers of unity replaced whispers of dissent, a subtle shift in the air signaling a turning point.

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