| Nesting Instincts

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As the news of Harry's pregnancy settled into the fabric of their lives, Tom's protective instincts kicked into high gear. Every moment became a precious gift, every decision weighed with the care of a future parent.

In the quiet moments they stole away from their responsibilities, Tom would often be found by Harry's side, his hand resting protectively over the swell of Harry's abdomen. His gaze held a mixture of awe and determination, a silent promise to shield their unborn child from any harm.

"I've never felt more alive," Tom admitted one evening, as they sat together in the warmth of their shared quarters.

Harry smiled, his hand covering Tom's on his belly. "It's like a whole new world opening up to us."

Their days were filled with preparations—a nursery adorned with magical charms for protection, consultations with healers and experts, and discussions about the future they envisioned for their family.

Yet amidst the whirlwind of anticipation and joy, Tom's overprotective nature became more pronounced. He would insist on accompanying Harry to every appointment, his eyes scrutinizing every detail with a mix of curiosity and concern.

"You're glowing," Tom would remark, his voice filled with wonder as he watched Harry's face light up with the promise of their child.

Their bond deepened with each passing day, a shared journey of anticipation and love that bound them together in ways they had never imagined.

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