| Growing Pains

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The alliance between Harry and Tom Riddle was met with mixed reactions within the Death Eater ranks. While some were cautiously optimistic, others remained deeply skeptical. Bellatrix Lestrange, in particular, was vocal in her distrust.

"He's not one of us," Bellatrix hissed one evening during a council meeting. "He'll betray us the moment it suits him."

Harry, seated next to Tom, clenched his fists but kept his composure. "I've made my choice, Bellatrix. My loyalty lies with Tom and our vision for a new world."

Tom raised a hand to silence the room. "Bellatrix, enough. Harry has proven himself. He successfully completed the mission I entrusted to him. He deserves our trust."

Bellatrix glared but fell silent, her displeasure evident. Tom turned to Harry, his expression softening. "You will have to earn their trust, Harry, just as you did mine. It will take time."

Harry nodded. "I understand. I'll do whatever it takes."

Over the following weeks, Harry worked tirelessly to prove his loyalty. He participated in strategic meetings, offered valuable insights, and even took part in a few covert operations. Slowly but surely, some of the Death Eaters began to warm to him.

One night, as Harry and Tom were reviewing plans in their private quarters, Tom looked up from the map spread before them. "You're doing well, Harry. They're beginning to see your worth."

Harry smiled, grateful for the acknowledgment. "It's not easy, but I won't give up."

Tom reached out, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "And I won't let them forget how valuable you are to our cause. Together, we will reshape this world."

As they continued to work side by side, the bond between them grew stronger. Harry found himself increasingly drawn to Tom, not just as an ally but as a partner. The darkness that once seemed so daunting now felt like a shared journey, one they were embarking on together.

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