| The Aftermath

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The days following the annihilation of the Order of the Phoenix were a blur of consolidation and reorganization. The wizarding world was beginning to adjust to the new regime, albeit reluctantly. Harry threw himself into his work, ensuring the transition of power was as smooth as possible.

Tom Riddle, now firmly in control, relied heavily on Harry's insights and strategies. Their partnership was stronger than ever, built on mutual respect and trust.

One evening, as Harry was reviewing reports in the Minister's office, Tom entered the room, his presence commanding as always.

"Harry," Tom said, his voice softer than usual. "You haven't rested since the attack."

Harry looked up, his eyes weary but determined. "There's too much to do. We need to ensure our rule is unchallenged."

Tom approached the desk, placing a hand on Harry's shoulder. "I understand, but you can't carry the weight of the world alone. We have others who can help."

Harry sighed, leaning back in his chair. "I just want to make sure everything goes smoothly. We've come so far, and I don't want to risk losing any ground."

Tom's gaze softened. "You won't. You've proven yourself time and again. You need to trust in our allies and take care of yourself."

Harry nodded, feeling a rare sense of comfort in Tom's words. "Alright. Maybe I do need a break."

Tom smiled, a rare and genuine expression. "Good. Take the night off. Rest. We'll continue tomorrow."

Reluctantly, Harry agreed. He left the office, heading to his quarters. As he lay in bed, he couldn't help but think of all they had achieved and the sacrifices made. The faces of Ron and Hermione haunted his thoughts, but he pushed them aside, focusing on the future.

The next morning, Harry felt somewhat rejuvenated. He met Tom in the dining hall, where they discussed their next steps over breakfast.

"We need to solidify our alliances," Tom said, his tone businesslike. "There are still factions that could pose a threat if they unite against us."

Harry nodded. "Agreed. I'll start reaching out to key figures, ensuring their loyalty."

Tom leaned back, a thoughtful look in his eyes. "You've become quite the strategist, Harry. I knew you had potential, but you've exceeded my expectations."

Harry felt a sense of pride at Tom's words. "Thank you, Tom. I won't let you down."

Tom's gaze was intense, filled with a mixture of admiration and something deeper. "I know you won't. Together, we'll shape the future."

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