| A Dark Deed

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As the weeks passed, Harry's efforts to secure alliances paid off. The wizarding world, though still wary, was beginning to accept the new order. However, not everyone was content. Pockets of resistance remained, determined to fight against Tom and Harry's rule.

One such group had been identified: a band of Aurors and former Order members who had gone into hiding. Tom called a meeting to discuss their eradication.

"These rebels must be dealt with," Tom said, his voice cold and unforgiving. "They pose a threat to our stability."

Harry, standing by his side, nodded in agreement. "We'll find them and end their resistance."

Bellatrix, ever eager for bloodshed, grinned maniacally. "Leave it to me. I'll take care of them."

Tom shook his head. "No, Bellatrix. This task is for Harry. He needs to send a clear message that rebellion will not be tolerated."

Harry's heart tightened, but he didn't hesitate. "I'll handle it."

The next night, Harry led a team to the rebels' hideout. They moved silently through the forest, their wands at the ready. As they approached the hideout, Harry signaled for his team to spread out and surround the area.

With a deep breath, Harry stepped forward, blasting the door open. Spells flew in all directions as the rebels scrambled to defend themselves. Harry fought with precision and ruthlessness, determined to end the threat.

In the chaos, Harry found himself face-to-face with Ginny Weasley. Her eyes were filled with shock and betrayal.

"Harry, you don't have to do this," she pleaded, her voice trembling. "You can still turn back."

Harry's resolve wavered for a moment, but he steeled himself. "This is my choice, Ginny. Stand down."

Ginny shook her head, tears streaming down her face. "I can't."

With a heavy heart, Harry raised his wand. "I'm sorry."

"Stupefy!" The spell hit Ginny squarely, and she crumpled to the ground, unconscious.

The battle raged on, but the rebels were no match for the Death Eaters. One by one, they fell, until the hideout was silent.

As Harry stood amidst the aftermath, he felt a deep sense of emptiness. He had defeated his old friends, severing the last ties to his former life. It was a necessary act, but the cost weighed heavily on him.

Returning to the Ministry, Harry reported their success to Tom. "The rebels have been eliminated."

Tom's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. "Well done, Harry. You've proven your loyalty beyond any doubt."

Harry nodded, but his heart was heavy. "Thank you, Tom."

Tom placed a hand on Harry's shoulder, his expression unreadable. "I know it wasn't easy, but you did what had to be done. Remember, we are building a new world, one where our vision can thrive."

Harry met Tom's gaze, feeling a mixture of pride and sorrow. "I understand. And I'll continue to do whatever it takes."

As they stood together, united in their dark purpose, Harry knew that he had truly crossed the point of no return. The path they walked was paved with sacrifices and hard choices, but it was a path they would walk together, shaping the future according to their vision.

The darkness was their ally, and with each step, Harry's bond with Tom grew stronger. Together, they were unstoppable, their power and ambition driving them ever forward.

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