| The Mark of Loyalty

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The day dawned with an air of anticipation. Tom had called for a special gathering of the Death Eaters, hinting at an important announcement. Harry stood by Tom's side, feeling the weight of the moment.

Tom addressed the assembled crowd, his voice commanding and unwavering. "Today marks a significant milestone in our quest for a new order. Harry Potter has proven his loyalty time and again. It is time he receives the mark of our brotherhood."

Harry's heart pounded in his chest as Tom produced a wand and a small vial of ink. "Harry, step forward."

Harry stepped forward, his gaze meeting Tom's. There was a mixture of pride and solemnity in Tom's eyes. "Do you accept the Dark Mark as a symbol of your allegiance and commitment to our cause?" Tom asked.

Harry nodded. "I do."

Tom raised his wand, murmuring an incantation. The tip of the wand glowed with a sinister light as he pressed it to Harry's left forearm. Harry gritted his teeth as a searing pain shot through his arm, but he remained resolute.

The Dark Mark appeared, a black skull with a snake protruding from its mouth. The pain subsided, replaced by a strange sense of power and belonging. Harry looked at the mark, feeling its weight and significance.

"Welcome, Harry," Tom said, his voice filled with pride. "You are now truly one of us."

The Death Eaters cheered, their acceptance of Harry finally solidified. Bellatrix, though still wary, offered a nod of acknowledgment.

That night, as they stood alone in their quarters, Harry examined the mark on his arm. "It's permanent," he said softly.

Tom nodded. "A symbol of your commitment. And a reminder of our shared purpose."

Harry looked up at Tom, their eyes locking. "I won't let you down."

Tom's gaze softened, a rare moment of vulnerability. "I know you won't, Harry. Together, we are unstoppable."

As they stood there, united by their dark bond, Harry felt a profound sense of belonging. He had chosen his path, and with Tom by his side, he was ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The Dark Mark was not just a symbol of his loyalty; it was a testament to the strength of their alliance and the power they wielded together.

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